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Subject: Re: Provincial 5

The Burgular
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Date Posted: 05:05:19 09/25/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: NoHost/
In reply to: The Burgular 's message, "Provincial 5" on 00:04:31 09/25/02 Wed

Provincial players would only be available to their relative clubs, when and if there were no provincial games/training sessions. Bearing in mind that these cream players would also be restricted in gametime as per WRU initiative.
We have some class players spread throughout Wales, these players will, and have taken, the highest buck available, and they will continue to do so. This is a profession after all my friend.
In regard to your comments regarding English/French sides feel intimidated by our pending involvment in provincial rugby, what a load of bo****ks!. You are living on planet naivity. They, and others consider Welsh rugby a laughing stock. Where would your loyaly be if PRFC were kicking off at 2.30pm on a saturday afternoon at the park, and the future of Gwent provincial rugby were kicking off at the same time at another venue?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Provincial 5

The person with the real answers.
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Date Posted: 06:04:31 09/25/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: host217-37-19-157.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

My proposals are not a load of B****** as you so intelligently put it! There backed by Bob Jude for one thing. Welsh rugby has plenty of talent, and would be able to compete on the international stage if the correct domestic structure is in place. As regards your comments on dual kick off times, well that just shows you brain can't seem to understand basic concepts. I wouldn't have to decide whether to watch the Gwent side or Pontypool, because the games would be played in different times of the season!!! But hey, you go on supportng welsh club rugby as it stands, and watch the games die and football takeover!!!

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