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Date Posted: 15:24:17 11/05/06 Sun
Author: Remy/Reese/Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie/Shay/Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 15:11:50 11/05/06 Sun

(He too was watching the girls, and of course Gia had crossed his mind once in a while.. she had been one of his agents and he had cared about her as deeply as one could care about a friend.. but at the same time she had signed her own warrant and well, he wasn't too quick to grant repreives for the kind of stunts she had pulled. He did, however, realize that she had been pulling herself together for some time now.. and perhaps it was time, considering she too was pregnant, to allow her back into the circle.) If she is around, she hears nothing about the agency. She isn't allowed access to intel.. nothing. (He said flatly, since he had already thought this through and had merely been waiting for Skeeter to ask permission to bring her back in. He knew that his friend was having trouble with the women in his life, he just kept his nose out of it, as much as he wished he could help, he knew how Skeeter reacted when he got into his social life. And that was what this was.. Gia was a civilian, and he had no real reason to suspect that anything between Skeeter and Coutney affected his work, so he stayed out of it. His gaze moved to Haylie briefly as she asked what he wanted from the deli, and so ended his input on the subject.) (She was so completely at ease now that all the girls were there, and she was able to let herself relax since her mind wasn't filled with thoughts of Braden for a moment. She was laughing and joking with Haylie and Shay, teasing Remy because he didn't want spicey horseradish on his rueben.. and half of her was just plain excited at the idea of seeing poor Kyrian get broadsided with the whole puppy thing. Speaking of which.. she applied rapt attention to the tall dark haired man as he came in.) (He, like everyone else, let himself into Remy and Shay's.. since he, unlike the others, still lived there half the time. His eyes moved around and then stopped and narrowed on Haylie.) You really need to stop doing that. (He said with a shake of his head, though he had a brown sack under his arm and was obviously happy to see her safe and sound. He had a way of trying to look fierce when everyone saw through him pretty much right away. Domesticity had sort of enveloped him, and though he could still be an ass - and was a lot of the time - he had settled into protecting her with a ferocity unseen in other parts of his life. He set the sack down on the counter and crossed into the kitchen to reach over Shay for more glasses since she couldn't reach them. He set them on the counter and then enveloped his friend in a warm, brotherly hug.) I missed you blue eyes.. (He said as he kissed her cheek, so very glad that she was home. He took off his leather bomber and hung it on the back of a kitchen chair before automatically helping Shay with the drinks.. Haylie could have her blasted pineapple in a minute.)

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