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Stripping of the Altars -- Joan, 07:11:31 03/30/08 Sun [1] (
It's no secret that Catholic churches (the buildings) were stripped of anything that others thought smacked of idolatry. They completely misunderstood the meaning and function of the beautiful things they were destroying. If for no other reason than respect for art, they shouldn't have destroyed those objects.
I've been in protestant churches that are more ornate than my parish church. But Catholic churches are usually much more ornate than Protestant churches.
I just like a traditional style church building. It doesn't matter is if extremely ornate, so long as it's set up in a traditional way and has traditional style art. I don't care for the abstract crosses. If there is stained glass, I prefer pictoral vs geometric.
For that matter, I like a traditional style house, too. The newer, open floor plans don't appeal to me, especially when you get a view of the kitchen sink from the front door. :)
"God is in all these churches both lavish and plain. But,as a Catholic, I like what I've been used to since my childhood; that is a lavish church."
Very well said.
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This was supposed to be under Neysa's post. -- Joan, 07:47:39 03/30/08 Sun [1] (
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Traditional Catholic Church -- Neysa, 00:26:01 03/30/08 Sun [1] (
I love the statues, all the gold and oppulence of an old traditional Catholic Church. In England I was in Anglican Churches that were very oppulent. If I didn't know before going inside I would have thought it was a Catholic Church.
I was taught in school that there is nothing wrong with the the inside of a Church being lavish, after all it is God's house, we are honoring him with all the beauty. That is why Mother Angelica made her shrine in Huntsville,so lavish inside. That is what I was brought up with and to me it gives me a warm feeling inside when I walk into an ornate church.
When I walk into a Catholic Church I expect and want this lavishness, as did my ancestors. Otherwise, they would have left the Catholic Church, and become Protestant. As we all know many did just that because they felt that you don't need a lavish church, just a plain building without statues, etc... to worship God. I agree you don't need all that lavishness. I've been in an Episcopal and Lutheran Church that was ornate. In a Reformed Church of Chist, and an Assembly of God that was plain. God is in all these churches both lavish and plain. But,as a Catholic, I like what I've been used to since my childhood; that is a lavish church. Perhaps, if I grew up worshipping in a plain, modern, Catholic Church I might have a different view about a traditional vs modern Catholic Church.
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What a load of crap -- Joan, 07:03:00 03/30/08 Sun [1] (
Where do you get your information, Phil? I suggest you buy a copy of the CCC. You have no idea what Catholics believe about anything, including how we define "Church". Buy a Catholic dictionary while you're at the bookstore. The people there will help you find the religion section. :)
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Oh and I laughed because all t he "plain" churches were being -- Catie, 06:27:42 04/01/08 Tue [1] (
referred to as the protestant churches. That struck me funny because I have been in few protestant churches that were not ornate. They lack the statues, etc, but were very ornate none the less.
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I do too Catie............ -- Neysa, 09:42:03 04/01/08 Tue [1] (
Although, I like a traditional lavish church with pictoral stained glass windows, traditional cross and statues. I do have a problem with tons of money being spent if it is in a middle class neighborhood, and families are struggling to make ends meet. They need the money more than the church. Infact, today it is just too expensive to make a church as lavish as in years gone by. But, if I had millions, or even billions I would donate some of it to build a traditional ornate church.
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I agree -- Joan, 15:46:09 04/01/08 Tue [1] (
I agree that you have to go, even if you don't like the style of the building. But given a choice... :)
This is the Cathedral in my state. It's just gorgeous. My son's freshman Mass and High School graduation were celebrated here. What an amazing place. This is the kind of church that feels special to me.
My parish church is much simpler, as you can tell by the pic above. It's very homey and comfortable. It's the traditional style that I love.
Providence is a city with amazing architecture, especially when you consider the size. If I can find some photos, I'll link them here. Maybe this why I prefer quality traditional structures to modern junk. Oh, did I say junk? I meant "art". :)
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Now that's a mall. -- Joan, 15:54:39 04/01/08 Tue [1] (
This picture is of the first indoor mall in RI. It was the first indoor mall in the country, too. I grew up shopping in places like this. Modern malls pale in comparison.
Isn't this gorgeous?!
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It's beautiful....looks like a Greek temple -- Neysa, 20:36:08 04/01/08 Tue [1] (
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That is breathtaking. -- Catie, 06:29:23 04/02/08 Wed [1] (
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Underdog!! -- Joan, 19:25:01 04/02/08 Wed [1] (
I forgot all about Underdog. They made a live-action Underdog movie, and they filmed it in Providence. It's a cute movie. If you rent it, you'll get a good idea of what Providence looks like. The state house is shown inside and out. Amazing. And they show some East Side houses--it's really nice there. One of the park scenes was shot in our national park. You wouldn't believe it's a national park. It's 3 acres (maybe that big, I'm not sure), and it's smack in the city. If you stood in the middle, you could throw a rock and hit the passing cars on the two streets that the park sits between.
That's Roger Williams (statue) overlooking the city in another park scene. (different park). You'll see the columns of the mall in the pic I posted the link to.
Have any movies been made in your backyard? I'd like to see them.
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Joan yes -- Catie, 14:11:42 04/03/08 Thu [1] (
Literally, in my backyard! It involves Easter baskets and teenage boys. LOL
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