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Date Posted: 16:23:16 04/14/08 Mon
Author: Catie
Author Host/IP: h211.26.40.69.ip.alltel.net /
Subject: Re: Pope Benedict XVI comes to the USA tomorrow
In reply to: Neysa 's message, "Pope Benedict XVI comes to the USA tomorrow" on 16:06:58 04/14/08 Mon

Neysa to answer your question, Benedict's prayer service that evening with U.S. bishops at a famed Washington basilica preclude him from coming to the dinner, according to the White House, even though it's in honor of his 81st birthday. They will celebrate his German heritage with Bavarian-style food. Catholic leaders will be there in his stead. I'm sure the tax payers are picking up the tab. Where else would the money come from?

Interesting facts:

The leader of the world's Roman Catholics has been to the White House only once in history. Interestingly, Bush has never before given a visiting leader the honor of picking him up at the airport. In fact, no president has done so at Andrews Air Force Base, the typical landing spot for modern leaders.

A crowd of up to 12,000 is due at the White House on Wednesday morning for the pope's official, pomp-filled arrival ceremony. It will feature the U.S. and Holy See anthems, a 21-gun salute, and the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. Both men will make remarks before their Oval Office meeting and a send-off for his popemobile down Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Bush-Benedict get-together will be the 25th meeting between a pope and a sitting president. Every president has met with the pope at least once, often more. This week makes Bush the record-holder, with a total of five meetings with two popes.

The Vatican — seat of a government as well as a religious headquarters — has an interest, "It wants to be a player in world affairs, and everyone understands that to do that you have to be in conversation with the United States," said John Allen, the Vatican correspondent for the independent National Catholic Reporter.

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[> [> Oops! That was Neysa's question....sorry, Neysa! -- Barb, 16:28:04 04/14/08 Mon [1] (clgrtnt2-port-70.dial.telus.net/

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[> [> [> Barb, dear, I must be very tired or my brain is very -- Neysa, 21:18:03 04/14/08 Mon [1] (user-2inik5v.dialup.mindspring.com/

slow tonight. What are you sorry about...what was my question.

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[> [> [> [> Neysa, the posting I stated for "Joan" was for you, because............... -- barb, 08:34:43 04/15/08 Tue [1] (clgrtnt2-port-48.dial.telus.net/

it was your origional post and I took it to be Joan's since it is her forum. I wasn't paying proper attention.
Sorry for the confusion. :-# Your brain is working just fine, Neysa. It's my battery that needs recharging. lol

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[> [> Thanks Barb...... -- Neysa, 21:11:48 04/14/08 Mon [1] (user-2inik5v.dialup.mindspring.com/

I'm glad you mentioned the prayer service for Wednesday evening at the National Basilica, it wasn't on the schedule I downloaded from EWTN.

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[> [> [> Sorry, I meant thanks ,Catie,...... I think it's time for bed. -- Neysa, 21:14:53 04/14/08 Mon [1] (user-2inik5v.dialup.mindspring.com/

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