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Date Posted: 05:44:25 04/21/08 Mon
Author: Joan
Author Host/IP: ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net /
Subject: What are your impressions of the pope's visit?

He's so quiet, that it's hard for me to read him. But that's good--we know he's not a phoney. :)

He's in amazing shape for someone in his 80's. The schedule he kept was ridiculous.

The news reported that security for the pope's visit cost about 6 million.

Oh, and what did you think of his snazzy red shoes? ;)


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[> Re: What are your impressions of the pope's visit? -- Catie, 07:00:38 04/21/08 Mon [1] (h156.22.40.69.ip.alltel.net/

Honestly Joan, I didn't watch any of it. My tv stayed on one of 2 channels: HGTV and PBS. I don't even know where CNN is on my dish network now. No news. NO wonder I'm feeling better lately. lol

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[> That Pope Benedict speaks 10 languages is hugely impressive!............... -- Barb, 08:39:30 04/21/08 Mon [1] (clgrtnt9-port-98.dial.telus.net/

His manner is quiet and dignified.
I loved that he visited a Synagogue and was the first Pope to ever do that in America! :-)
The energy of all the aged Popes has always amazed me.
The red shoes! Snazzy...yes! I wonder if they bring good luck...after all Dorothy had red shoes and look what they did for her! :-)

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[> Re: What are your impressions of the pope's visit? -- Neysa, 14:52:17 04/21/08 Mon [1] (user-38lcid6.dialup.mindspring.com/

I think Pope Benedict did very well for a man of 81. I never saw him smile as much as he did when he had a meeting with the youth in Yonkers, Saurday evening.

Overall he seemed very happy with his visit here to the USA.

Yes, for sure he is no phoney. As for his manner it is very German. German people have always been known to be reserved and dignified in public. I've noticed that His Holiness is now showing more warmth in public.

As for the red shoes....that is tradition. Pope John Paul II, wore red shoes at first. But, then he found a London Firm that made him those large brown shoes that he found more comfortable.

I like that Pope Benedict, is creating his own style. He's even bringing back some of the traditional clothing....like that white fur line cape that he had on...last worn by Pope JohnXXIII. If you noticed at the Masses. He is now using a beautiful gold staff....instead of the silver one used by both Paul VI and John Paul II.
I bet if he could he would bring back the throne chair that they used to carry the pope's on.

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[> Re: What are your impressions of the pope's visit? -- d, 13:04:25 05/11/08 Sun [1] (190-37-226-223.dyn.dsl.cantv.net/

Korea, Republic of (Press Release) May 8, 2008 --
This is the first time that the coronation night will be held outside the Philippines since its inception in 2001, except last year that other activities was held in Vietnam.

Miss Earth is an annual international beauty pageant promoting environmental awareness.It is one of the three largest beauty pageants in the world in terms of the number of national level competitions to participate in the world finals.

Those who participate in the pageant are involved with environmental causes. The pageant winner is expected to become involved with international environmental projects. These projects are also promoted during the pageant's broadcast. The delegates also take part in tree planting ceremonies, environmental and cultural immersion programs, sponsor visits and tours. Miss Earth is based in the Philippines.

Over 90 contestants are expected to arrive for the said pageant which will be held on November 9 in Seoul, South Korea.


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