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Date Posted: 13:55:51 09/25/13 Wed
Author: Mon
Subject: Ok, here it goes...
In reply to: Stephanie 's message, "Re: Howdy, Welcome, And ALL the Jazz!" on 22:26:41 09/24/13 Tue

Chicago is a nice city, I lived in the burbs for a couple of years. Most of my extended family is littered throughout that area, but when push came to shove I just wasn't a city girl. So now, it's northern Wisco for me. I used to move like crazy too...but I finally put my roots down up here. I'd love to move somewhere warm but the hubby wants to stay...so, we stay. Wisconsin winters still suck though.

I know what you mean about the service dog. My cousin has CP and it took her a year or more to finally get hers. He's been the best thing that ever happened to her.

I think if we decide to keep the 'sneak' portion, we will explain it more fully after the revamp. I would agree that at the current moment it isn't something you need to worry over. And like Dom, I too loathed that part. You are correct that there is no real site wide plot, and you are free to be as creative as you wish. There is a plot going between many of Dom, Chaos, and mine characters, but not all. It's been an ongoing one, which I will describe in a minute.

As for characters...oh boy. Here we go. At one time I had well over 50 going strong, and I have brought back a good chunk of them.

I played a majority of the men and a couple of women who ran a chop shop and car boosting (theft) ring back in the day. They were a bunch of wild and crazies that came from
Chicago to Cascade looking to make it big. When I went on hiatus, we played it like they got raided by the Feds and scattered, only to come back 10 years later. Here a breakdown of my Crew:

Tumbler (play by Gerard Butler):He is the ring leader so to speak. He bought property on the outskirts of Cascade and built it up to house everyone and run his ring. He is a roughneck, but under all that grizzliness he does care deeply about his 'family'. When they got busted years ago, he sacrificed himself to the Feds to give the others time to get away. He spent 10 years in prison and got off due to the fact that he had intel on another case and struck a deal. His woman is a demi demon (Right Chaos? Can't remember...) named Tori and recently he decided to allow her to turn him over to a vamp so he wouldn't have to go and die on her. They aren't quite married yet but it's in the works.

Memphis (was Nicholas cage but I'm
Searching for a new one, because old): Memphis was Tumbler's right hand man with the car boosting ring. He was always in the field, so to speak, because his car jacking skills are pretty amazing. Memphis raised his little brother Kip. When the Feds busted them, Memphis and Kip set off together to go into hiding. Memphis was later caught and only avoided prison time by helping the Feds undercover. He is married to Nancy, and they are trying to work through their issues since Memphis has had a bit of a temper since returning to Cascade.

Sphinx (Vin Diesel) He is the brawn of the crew. He stands at 6'10' and is built like a brick house. He was always the protector of the group, and worked as a bouncer for Angelina Uris when he wasn't helping car boosting operations. He met and married a woman by the name of Sasha. Together they had a child, Elden. Sphinx was the one that had gotten tipped off to the Fed bust, and in an effort to keep his family out of prison, he lit the warehouse on fire and took off. He was cornered in Florida, where he took three bullets and nearly drowned. He was lucky enough to wind up washing up on a beach in front of a nurses vacation home, and she nursed him back to health. As far as the government knows, Sphinx is still deceased. He has a soft spot for Elden and Desiree (Stan and Angelia's daughter).

Toby (Paul walker) Toby is the sweet one. He did the actual chopping for the group, and is a brilliant mechanic. His love has always been Laurie Ann, and they recently married on the grounds of the Complex.

Freb (Enrique Iglesias) Freb was always the financial guru of the group. He knew how to get funds and invest them so that attention wouldn't be called to them. He also helped with the thefts, and was actually killed during a boost. Tori brought him back to life. He loves Shania, a hotheaded country girl who keeps him on his toes.

Sway (Angelina Jolie) Sway was the only woman who was 'in the field'. She was great at jacking cars. Her orange Lamborghini was (and still
Is) her baby. She met Amor and became pregnant not long before he bust. She fled with the others, before attempting to double back to get Amir, hoping to go to Mexico until
The heat died down. She got on a wreck and had amnesia for years. She also lost the baby. Since coming back to Cascade she regained her memory and is back with Amir...pregnant with his child a second time.

Kip (Matt Shadows) You will find most of his threads in Club Alien and High Meadow Ranch). I won't lie. This one is my favorite. He's a big, muscley goofball. He was a skinny awkward teenager when the group got busted, but after doing some time in juvi, he bulked up to the massive creature that he is. He was in a band and a total man whore. Being the reckless type, he stole a prototype car and intended to deliver it to Memphis shortly after everyone returned to Cascade. He brought the Feds raining on on them again, which Tori (Tumblers girl) helped deter. Kip was shot twice and ended up in a barn on the neighboring property. That's when he met Emilie. She nursed him back from the brink of death. He chased after her with his deliciously inappropriate ways and charm, and soon enough he realized he was in love with her. Not being the settle down type, Kip was scared and decided it was best he leave, because he didn't want her to get in trouble when the Feds came back.
Before he could though, he crooked agent that had been after him all along caught up with him in the barn. They beat him senseless as were about to execute him when Emilie's quick thinking saved the day. She nursed Kip back to health again, and he finally left to avoid hurting her anymore. He was gone a month before he realized he wanted to spend his whole life with her and showed up at her house in the middle of the night with a ring, serenading her out in the snow in the middle of winter. Turns out, Em was pregnant. Kip was shocked, but ultimately happy.

Stan (Josh Hartnett) Stan met the group in Chicago while he was recovering from
a drug and alcohol problem. They became the only family he had (his half sister was raised by her after and thus never seen). He moved with them to Cascade, were he met and married Angelina. Together they had a child, Desiree. After the bust, he was back in Chicago for a while before going back to his family. They are still trying to work things out.

Kat: Kat ran the concert hall back before the bust, and was friends with the boost crew through Sway. She met and fell in love with Paige, Amir's band mate. After the bust...well, I can't tell you yet. Her and Paige have a reunion thread at Club Alien right now, and I don't want to give away the juicy details yet. But these two are interesting for sure.

Okay. There are more, but that's the summary of the main ones you will find at the link I gave you. I also play Erich Malcovosk, Nevaeh, Mauston Marx, and Ruger Moss. Ruger has an open thread at Club Alien. I am also going to work in some characters from another game I played that has died. A few shifters...I got attached to them and don't quite want to let them go. :) These would include Ruarc and Roisin MacCaron, Irish scorpion shifters that hail from Ireland. They are siblings. Play bys are Sully Erna and Emilie Autumn. Also Sorcha, a black window shifter from Scotland.

Chaos plays Tori (Tumbler's woman), Nancy (Memphis' woman), Sasha (sphinx's woman), Elden (Sphinx's son), Emilie (Kips woman), Amir (sways man) and Paige (in thread with Kat). Dom plays Angelina (Stan's woman), Desiree (Stan's daughter), Laurie Ann (Toby's woman), and Shania (Freb's woman). Just so you can see who belongs to who and get a sense for wiring styles.

I am always up for plots and new characters, so if you decide to stick with us, I'm totally down for writing with you!

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