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Date Posted: 22:26:41 09/24/13 Tue
Author: Stephanie
Subject: Re: Howdy, Welcome, And ALL the Jazz!
In reply to: Domino 's message, "Howdy, Welcome, And ALL the Jazz!" on 21:56:11 09/23/13 Mon

Don't worry, Mon. I too have a complicated relationship with my phone.

Wisconsin and Texas? I live in Texas right now, but eventually I want to head back to Chicago again. I've never lived anywhere more then two years in a row and I've made six moves in the last two years. I'm ready to settle down, lol. My fiance is from the Chicago area and most of my family in Texas is spread out so I don't mind heading back up there again. We have a terrier/lab mix named Rin. I'm looking into getting a service dog, but that's a pretty complicated journey I just don't feel like I have the stamina for right now. Mostly I'm trying to focus on my health and writing. I just want to finish a story. :)

Thanks for the link. I'll check out some of the threads. Check out my ff.net profile (http://www.fanfiction.net/~snevilly ) if you want to see what I've been working on. (Just disreguard Fortune Days, lol. That's up there to show where I started. xD )

You both expanded on CM rather nicely. I don't feel so completely lost anymore. I really was confused about the Sneaking thing, but if it's not really a thing anymore it doesn't matter, lol. So as it stands the action is taking place in the "humanoid" area between a few characters and that there really isn't a site plot and we can do what we want mostly?

So who are the important characters? Do you guys have personal arcs in progress now? Pitch it to me like a hype mongering pro wrestler. It will be the characters I interact with that ground me most viscerally into a world.

Thanks, both of you, for taking the time to chat!

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