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Date Posted: 20:13:58 03/26/10 Fri
Author: Emmaline
Subject: How can I if you cant?
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "_-You will once you figure out what I can't figure out-_" on 19:35:01 03/26/10 Fri

Emmaline didn't like the still silence between them as her wine comment was ignored. Something was raging through Telcoltl's head as they sat there together in that booth. Her own mind raced though. Did he want to be her guardian? Is that why he had even brought it up? Why would he want -her-? Emmaline had heard a lot about Dimitri's little favorite boy. She had lived knowing his name, his story, she knew all about Dimitri's kids. Well not all about them but enough about them. She had heard about Telcoltl's chauvenistic attitude and his hard headedness. But she had also heard that he could be kind and generous. Would it be so terrible to have him as her guardian....but that meant she would sleep with him? THat wouldn't be a bad thing. He was absolutely gorgeous to be honest, a nice body, a handsome face. She could handle that but he would sleep with many other woman as well.....at least with Silas it wasn't other women she worried about. A small smile graced her lips at that thought. Oh Master Silas...where are you when I need you most.

Hmm...or did Telcoltl only want to try and upstage his brother and be her gauardian because of that? She didn't want to be just cast to the wayside once his battle was won. She couldn't handle something like that. She had grown up being...well spoiled and loved and she didn't know if she could handle living ignored and melancholy the rest of her life. But then again maybe she was reading too much into his comment and he had only meant it as a joke, that he didn't really want her. Men were so confusing....no matter if they were Elf, Vampire, or human.

But then his soft voice reached her ears, she heard the determination and the resolution in his voice and every thought she had just had came rushing back to her in an onslaught of fear, amazement, curiostiy, and a small rush of excitement. Oh gah...what on earth was going to happen to her. "Oh...okay...if you are sure thats what you want to do." She tried to be nonchalant as she spoke to him. "A salad....um...I'm not very hungry....do they have any type of fruit?" She asked him with a small smile again plastered upon her face. His own smile and demeanor had returned and he left her confused. Were all of Dimitri's boys this confusing?

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