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Telcoltl knew a lot about the world. After all, he’d lived through centuries of it. The one thing he knew above all others, though, was that the world was political. People argued just to hear themselves talk although their breath was wasted on even the silliest of things. People will always try to get ahead. And if they have to play mind games and lie to achieve that, they always will. People have a certain amount of decentness in their bones but it isn’t enough to wipe clean the ambitions of the mind. This political disadvantage was what gave Telcoltl the little knot in his stomach. He had heard the statement about the wine but his brain had gone into overdrive regarding Dimitri. What was there standing these days exactly? Was he still the favorite son or had he gotten pushed to the wayside by Elijah’s politics? He wanted Emmaline as his own ward more than he could remember wanting anything else. Exactly why he wanted that was unknown to even him. Perhaps by having her in his care her wanderings through his mind would lighten. It wasn’t as though Telly minded her visits into his daydreams…but it did get tiresome in the wee hours of the night. Telcoltl couldn’t remember thinking about anyone more than he thought about her. He had never loved anyone any one before and didn’t exactly know what that was “suppose” to feel like. He’d lived his whole life under the assumption that love was trivial if it even existed at all. But here he was, thinking about her, missing her, dreaming about her—was it love or a silly fascination? And how would Telcoltl ever know if he didn’t pursue it? But the beautiful woman beside him—who smelled so wonderfully of Elf and orchids—was already promised to his older brother. Elijah’s would be furious. That was a plus for Telcoltl who just loved to get under his brother’s skin. Telcoltl examined that aspect of the situation. Was he only after Emmaline to tug on the emotions of his brother? Telcoltl’s eyes shifted over the waiter as he approached. He placed their order for the whole bottle of wine as if in autopilot. Although he was aware of what was around him, he wasn’t focused on it. No, Telcoltl most definitely didn’t want Emmaline to annoy his brother. It was something more. And the fact that the All-Knowing Telcoltl didn’t know was itching his skin. So, in quiet resolution, he spoke. “I’ll ask Dimitri if you can be mine.” With that statement said, he laid down his menu rather pointedly. “I’m going to have some salad. What some?” And his smile was back and the old Telcoltl was back. No trace of his inner turmoil present. |