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Date Posted: 18:26:48 06/08/10 Tue
Author: Theron
Subject: no day but today.
In reply to: Karina 's message, "The days just merge into one don't they?" on 07:08:17 06/08/10 Tue

Wow. This night just wasn't going to get any better, was it? It was the kitten. Bloody fantastic. Literally. She was fantastic and wearing red. Bloody fantastic. But metaphorically at the same time- his scheduled date wasn't going to show herself if Karina was here. There goes a few months work, sweetie. How much had he really had to drink by now? Ugh. Too much, that was for damn sure.

If I wanted the poor man's pride hurt I would have done it myself. Theron muttered, quickly rising from the bar and placing a few pounds onto the bar to cover his tab. Because of that lovely little stunt, we have to leave. Thank god.

Move, move. He muttered, draping an arm around her waist and praying that no one was going to make a move on them. It wasn't his territory yet- and you never knew. The guy who spilled his drink on you tonight was the guy you were sleeping with tomorrow. Er. Well. Something like that, he was sure. But drunk people always had drunk friends and the drunk friends were never nice and, well, Marcius would kill him if he left Karina to the dogs. Or something like that.

Sommmeeething like that he was sure.

Is there any reason you're bar crawling? If it has something to do with my son, I don't want to hear it. I'm rather fond of the boy, you know. Theron took a deep breath of the fresh night air as they stepped out onto the sidewalk, his eyes scanning the street for trouble. Did you have dinner?

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