Ronon took in Lylas stance, only seeing the submissive posture, the subtle body cues that made sence now that she said this wolf was her alpha. Without that tidbit it had only appeared that she was about to be attacked, dominated by a Wolf. He stopped his advance as Lyla spoke, stood stalk still and ready to attack should the bitch make any move towards His female.
A growl broke from his lips as Verda spoke, warning him not to move. It was as good as a threat in his ears, despite the tingling feeling at the base of his neck. He rolled his shoulders, trying to rid himself of that annoying feeling, the one that had started when the bitch spoke. He bared his teeth as she told him to calm himself, and the itch got stronger. His shoulder blades tightened, as if his hackles rose. He didn't like the feeling her words brought to him, it was as if she was trying to control him...
But before he had a chance to do something stupid, Lyla was running to him, grasping his hand in hers with worry in her eyes. Her touch did a lot to calm his nerves, as did the fact that she was no longer cowering before the Wolf. His gaze slid to Lyla as she looked up at him, taking note that she hadn't been harmed. His gaze shot to the bitch, hard and rebellious as he wrapped a thick arm around Lyla's waist. Pulling her close he continued to stare at the Wolf, unwilling to let her see weakness she could extort.
Too many times he'd been attacked by Wolves, all because of what he was. "How do you hold alpha over a shifter? She's not bound to our customs" It was more of an accusation than a question, for surely Lyla wouldn't give herself willingly to the mercy of a pack of Wolves!
Sometimes I feel like Jesse James Still tryin' to make a name Knowing nothing's gonna change what I am I was a young troubadour when I rode in on a song I'll be an old troubadour when I'm gone