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Subject: ::Leader of the Pack::

Verda Thorne
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Date Posted: 11:21:55 12/10/09 Thu
In reply to: Ronon Dex 's message, "..::Outlaw Torn::.." on 21:19:04 12/09/09 Wed

I stood still, attention focused calmly on Ronon. The tension in the air between us didn't lesson any as Lyla took up a position close to him, and i took a few steps back, putting my back to Ronon and Lyla both. He may take it as an insult.. that i didn't think he was a threat... but to react in anything other than a calm manner would rile him further. I wandered slowly around the room, heels oddly quietly on the stone floor, putting more distance between myself and the lynx and Lyla. I ended by the chair Lyla had previously occupied, and settled myself into it, crossing my legs lazily. Finally my gaze shifted to Ronon, and i met his gaze steadily, strength held in my own. "Lyla came to me... She sought my.... protection..." My gaze flicked to Lyla briefly, and a flicker of sorrow flashed in my own eyes, i was sure. My dear... I've failed you on that... I'm sorry for my lack of availability. Again with the silent mind to mind... Though I doubted she knew how to answer me.. she hadn't answered me in kind when i'd spoken in the same manner moments before.

I redirected my attention to Ronon once more. "It appears you've taken my place as her protector Ronon...." Still with the calm soothing voice, though by now it was not a conscious act. "You have my gratitude on that... But please believe me when i say; I mean our Lyla no harm. But i do not know you... nor can i trust you until time has passed." I tilted my head, wondering idly what had made him so prejudiced against wolves. "As i said before... If you do not come at me in anger, i will return the favor." I seriously doubted i'd be able to do or say anything to calm the lynx, or get him to relax in my pressence... But i hoped he'd believe me when i said i would not harm him if he chilled out some. Lyla wasn't even an equation at this point.. I'd no sooner hurt her than i'd harm my own birth children. As far as i saw it... she was my only family right now. The thought that everyone else in teh pack had disappeared was a little depressing... but then again, we'd been disappearing for the past two years.

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..Aha Foe! So we meet again!..Lyla08:37:06 12/11/09 Fri

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