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Subject: ..}Not Strong Enough{..

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Date Posted: 16:26:48 01/02/12 Mon
In reply to: Nevaeh 's message, "†. l e t s. g e t. l o s t .†" on 11:34:13 01/02/12 Mon

He smirked over at her as she spoke of the slushy city snow, dirty like everything in the city. "You know those holiday cards with the snow covered barns? With the forest just in the distance?... Its better than that" Pictures even had trouble capturing the magic of winter in a place like this. They could capture the beauty, but it was never the same as standing in that snow and taking that icy air deep into your lungs. It couldn't capture the feel of the soft snow sifting through your fingers, crunching under your boots.

He chuckled, raising her hand to his lips to press a soft kiss to the webbing between thumb and forefinger "There's nothing this mountain could throw at me that would be a challenge... But I'll be careful" The last thing he wanted was for her to be worrying over him. Worrying over his safety when she needed to be forgetting about him and getting on with her life. He wished there was some way to help her do that, some way to ease her memories of them to the back of her mind, buried and nearly forgotten. He prayed she'd be able to tuck him away somewhere, that she wouldn't be haunted by him the way he knew he'd be haunted by her.

"You should come back and visit your brother for the holidays. I know they'd love for you to visit, now that everyone's out of hiding" And by god he was going to do everything in his power to keep that crazy, insane family out of trouble! Both for his own sanity, and because he knew she deserved to have that family. He wouldn't get in her way if she didn't want to see him, but he knew she'd be happy to come visit her family now that she had the freedom to do so. Trying to lighten teh mood a bit, he chuckled at her words, smirking over at her as she finished "Is that what they call it in New York?" He cocked a dark brow suggestively, chuckling. Hell, he couldn't remember a time when he'd enjoyed himself more than over the past month. "I'm glad you came. Though its gonna suck, having to start working out again" His smirk turned a bit devilish as he glanced over at her "I rather enjoyed your way of working out more" He wanted so badly to dispel this quiet, sad feeling that had come over them both. He wanted her to leave smiling, even if he knew there were tears behind those dark lashes.

I'm not strong enough to stay away
Can't run from you
I just run back to you
Like a moth I'm drawn in to your flame
Say my name, but it's not the same
You look in my eyes I'm stripped of my pride
And my soul surrenders and you bring my heart to its knees

And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay
I'm so confused,So hard to choose
Between the pleasure and the pain
And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right
Even if I try to win the fight, my heart would overrule my mind
And I'm not strong enough to stay away

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†. l e t s. g e t. l o s t .†Nevaeh17:43:36 01/02/12 Mon

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