Cammie Hajoysky
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Date Posted: 23:51:30 01/10/12 Tue
In reply to:
Erich Malcovosk
's message, "‡Monster.I've.Become‡" on 12:03:02 01/10/12 Tue
The carnal pull they had for one another was like a magnet; she would do well to note the beast within her comrade could feel it too. It was something they would someday have to face, but for now the mission lay before them. The toast for vengeance had her smiling a cool and calculated smile. One that made her eyes harsh and never quite left her lips. ”Aye to that as well.” She did not watch him directly as he drank first one than two shots of the warmed blood. She could not for a part of her still felt disgust at the mere action. So to hide this she did not watch, though turned at his words and gave but a nod. ”It is necessary.” All she would say on the matter, giving nothing away, feeling even less on the matter for her mind was on the mission and only that now.
”And yet much has not.” She added. Silent now as he thought to himself for a while, waiting for him to speak of what he knew and listening when he turned his attention to her to rehash what little he knew and detailing the horrifying details of his change. He left much out, but she could only imagine the pain, the hunger, and the disgust. Though the feeling of anger could not be calmed as it rose in force, lips pressed tightly to refrain from swearing in Russian, ”A trap.” She mused. For like he she knew no mistake had been made on his part. The enemy had simply been wiser this time around, known their location before she or Erich could have even known of them.
The anger did not die but grow to a boiling point and she actually looked as if she’d stand to pace, though instead stoic her features became as he finished his tale. The knowledge that he had taken innocent lives trouble her, but she said nothing, knowing it would only bother her partner more. Their lives had been to destroy and conquer those who went against the motherland; never did they strike a soul that did not deserve to die for all they knew. Never.
Hearing how much he struggled brought a sense of relief to her, not because he struggled, but because he had continued to fight. He had never given up. She had read many books on the beings their mission had sent them after. Many of how to kill their kind, though there had been a few on changing them back. Though she had never found a solid lead of a successful transformation, most died…painfully.
At his ending comments she meet his harsh blue gaze, her own locking there as she spoke. ”That is where I can be of help.” Lifting a finger to motion that she would be right back she moved to the back bedroom she was staying at, and opening the safe she had installed returned with a thick and heavy manila file. ”If my Intel is right, and I believe it is, this dominus is named Jarilo.” Opening the file she slid a single paper with the name written on it and a date that was the supposed birth of this creature. ”Born on what is now Russian soil, he came here after word of our mission was leaked. I believe it is he who had my attacked that night, in hopes of keeping us apart.” She didn’t know why the monster had wanted Erich only that all signs pointed to this logical explanation, even if it was all illogical.
Motioning for him to flip the page over a single black and white photo was paper clipped to the page. ”This is the only picture we have been able to gather.” It was blurry, other than seeing the man’s hair was dark there was nothing to tell him apart from the other billion people on the planet with similar build or hair color. ”I had hope you might be able to better explain him for me. So I know when we find him.” Pausing as she tried to think of where else to look for the answers he seeked, remembering a tale she’d read and flipping through pages till she found it. ”This. I believe this may help with why it did not go well.” It was a tale of two demi gods their names Perun and Veles. ”I do not know but it is possible we are dealing with one of these offspring perhaps?” Not realizing yet that it was actually Erich that the tale could pinpoint to.
”I have chased Jarilo from Russia to Ukraine and Germany. Always he is one step ahead. Now I hear he is back in Cascade. Reconnecting with another of his kind, Triglav. Why or how long I do not know but my sources say he should be here for a week and then head back to the motherland where he lives indefinably.” Now that she looked at it all it wasn’t a ton of information, that she’d said, but the folder was filled with ifnoration that Erich could scan and use to his knowledge. ”Is it at all possible this woman you had last night? She know of any this?” She was not implicating the woman in the changing or attacks, but perhaps she knew of the players what they looked like or their weaknesses.
”Jarilo is simple Upyr. Decapitation of his head and ancient oak through the heart should end him, but this Triglav is mysterious. I hear he is not Upyr' but something else, I have not found enough on him as of now.” If Erich looked he would find the pages she had on how to kill many of their kind. Including a Soul Eater, which he was. Though where the normal tricks would’ve worked she’d later find to fail on him as he was far more than simple soul eater and beast. ”Read and ask comrade. There is much here left to tell.” Once he was caught up on the happenings within Cascade and Russia she would move onto the actual mission and the ending of Jarilo and the others.
Cammie Hajoysky
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black
I don't know if I want you back
You're the cool nights of the desert
And the hot kisses of the sun
Why is it that I don't believe you
When you say I'm the only one
I know I'm the lonely one
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black
And I recognize the shadows from your past
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black

2010 Marussia B1
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