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Subject: What people require of god

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Date Posted: 02/14/03 8:04pm
In reply to: QUITTNER 's message, "What does God require?" on 02/14/03 1:35pm

Egypt had laws governing it's society 500 years before moses.

Laws that were designed to let decent citizens live in peace and punish people who went against those laws....just like the ten commandments!

I live my life by what you would call the ten commanments (except I don't want my neighbours ox) the difference is that these commandments did not come from god but were made by those decent people who simply wanted to live a happy and prosperous life.

As my first sentence indicated such laws were around long before the the christian era...so what right does christianity's version of the same rules have to ensure their insertion into the EU's constituion.

...why should just christianity get its say... what about an islamic or hindi or atheist council having the right for the inclusion of their beliefs also.

Religion has no respect for people who don't adhear to it's own doctrine, it looks down on them, it delineates and pigeon holes them....

...religion requires one to believe whole-heartedly in something which cannot be seen, touched, spoken to, heard, smelt or produced at whim, something in which intelectual inconsistancies abound....this can only be viewed as weakness.

Religion serves only to destroy equality by its hatred of others who are not the same. ...so a constitution for such a religiously varied region like the EU should not include god.... it would be a recipe for disaster.

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Constitutions are made by people, not by God.QUITTNER02/17/03 2:11pm

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