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Date Posted: 14:14:18 10/08/04 Fri
Author: Torch
Subject: Joining the conversation...
In reply to: Phamiile - Yukinae ( Kyrusk ) 's message, "Glory" on 16:54:18 10/06/04 Wed

The tsenlite had been watching as Phamiile and Roseas had come to the lake. She'd been just watching a long time. No reason to get involved. Not really.

That is, until she sees Phamiile start to drown. Although she's never known this man, the normally quiet and out of the way tsenlite's eyes of dark silver are tinged with worry. Tsenlites lived in a herd back at home, and no one was left behind. Even if this creature was only a winged centaur, and not exactly the same species as her, Torch felt as though he were a member of her herd. Sure, she never really was part of her herd, but...

Forgeting her silent and shadowy existence, the tsenlite galloped over to the lake and threw her wings out. Her wings, though of feathers that were at the moment black, were strong in the water, helping Torch to be a strong swimmer. Her red hair whipped in the wind of her running, and the splash dampened her tan human ha;f and black horse half. She swiftly dove under, realizing that Roseas didn't know what was going on, and Phamiile's Linkeds were too distragt. She'd have to pull him up alone.

Swimming swiftly and expertly, though she hadn't been swimming in a long time, she soon found herself in fron of the Shifter. Clasping a hand around his wrist tightly, she swam upward, hoping to bring him to the air before the water claimed his life. She wouldn't let this one die. He had a young Kilven, and a Vae. And, though she wouldn't admit it, she felt she had a duty to all the centaurs here, as a tsenlite. She could help them. That was what a herd was all about.

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