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Date Posted: 16:54:18 10/06/04 Wed
Author: Phamiile - Yukinae ( Kyrusk )
Subject: Glory
In reply to: Roseas (Ruzor) 's message, "It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's..." on 18:30:46 10/05/04 Tue

Phamiile tenses and emits a deep rumbling noise back in his throat when he hears/feels the water's surface breaking. Golden horn sparks as his heartbeat races for a few moments, the sped-up rate causing his body to heat and exciting the individual atoms of his horn with its raw energy. A golden glow emanates from the spiralling shaft, and the elegant Shifter. A deep breath is taken through his gills and sensors that act as an underwater nose analyse it effectively. Phamiile is momentarily stunned - his body is running on some twisted automatic. Tail propels the streamlined frame from the blackened deeps of the lake, huge fins folding against his sides, unneeded for now. Two black, slightly furred feelers extend silently from the surface of the water above the rest of his body, 'tasting' the air and wind. Metal and flesh, animal and machine.. a predator. A huntress. Phamiile tenses. Half the animals in him cry out to flee and the others yearn to challenge. A horribly twisting pain cracks across his mind, as if his skull were cracking into two from the horn down. The Shifter begins to scream and scream and scream.. barely noticing as a certain Kilven and Vae accompanying him, Phamiile thrashes in the water, his fins and scarlet wings floundering at air and surface of the cool, black deeps. Horn pulses with whitely golden light, the veins upon the thin-membraned, manta ray-styled fins also begin to softly glow with his agony. Hazel eyes snap open and train upon the lilting, dragon-winged figure above.

-predator kill! flee run- Phamiile suddenly feels very, very small and very, very wet and very, very cold and very, VERY vunerable. Yukinae rears up on the bank, her long neck undulating like a phantom snake, bellow after bellow thundering brassily from her vocal chords. More in confusion now. The Shifter can't breath, he's falling..

His perception warps and his body churns. Sickly, horrible cracking and grinding noises fill the air again, red blood to be seen in the water. He cuts through the icy deep slowly, circling, totally natural.. -This is my domain this is my domain I will spill the blood and feast-

More screaming. More twisting of the body and a mind that cannot deal with the extremes. He doesn't realise he's drowning, nor do his pair of Linkeds who are as out of control as Phamiile himself is.

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