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Date Posted: 11:22:17 05/31/03 Sat
Author: Rinyosan
Subject: Rrf, more of 'em! O,O
In reply to: Edduan 's message, "Well then..." on 15:01:56 05/29/03 Thu

Very unusual for Rinyosan, having a flashback... but she remembers her training in holosims on Base, and she remembers Kyllys, enemies that sound remarkably like these Rjin. And her keen mind doesn't miss the fact that Kamali said the Etreusians gave the enemy the name Rjin. Long ears flatten as bright green eyes refocus on the present, watching Kamali with a glint that doesn't fit her casual, youthful appearance. It seems the time for a pledge, an offer of her services to Kamali and Etreus... but Rin stays silent, ears slicked back and eyes narrowed. She's unable to do anything on her own until she reports back to Olashi-Masi HQ on Station. The arrival of the CoinShifter is almost ignored, the cheerful grin gone from the tabby's muzzle as she glances over briefly. With one last look at the creatures surrounding her, Rinyosan retreats to her mech, slipping inside hopefully without any protests from those outside.

The Masi seals the soundproof hatch before settling on her knees. "Get me HQ." A brief static-y pause before the strained voice of the AI replies, "Unable. Planetary atmosphere is too disrupted to send out communications. Too many ships passing in and out." Rin swore under her breath, "Then will this settle down?" The computer flashed an affirmative and Rin quickly recorded a message to be sent as soon as possible to her superiors, then linking into Kakimi's MERF. "Kimi, we're in deep. I sent request for permission to help to HQ. Any thoughts on what to do next?"

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