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Date Posted: 07:25:04 07/04/03 Fri
Author: Heki and Mayah
Subject: But but but I wanna poke it with a spear!
In reply to: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui 's message, "Tricks? Let's see..." on 18:26:13 07/03/03 Thu

Heki's grin doesn't waver as he fishes in a somewhat deflated pouch at his hip. "Actually, half-ripes aren't that bad. They don't do a total energy and physical healing in seconds, but they'll get you up to par within an hour or so. Much easier than shifting back and forth with devastating wounds or suffering through the pain of healer flakes." For once, the Wolf's voice has some confidence to it, like he knows what he's talking about; which he does. "Here. Do you good." Heki drops a small, round, slightly greenish bean into Hashe's outstretched palm, tying the pouch closed again.

Mayah grins sharply at Aduuni's comment. "Many of the Cats around our pack weren't, persay, fair fighters." Heki shoots her a pointed look to shut her mouth, considering Mayah isn't above using dirty tricks either, and for once the younger Wolf listens, fading whatever she was about to say next into a light laugh. Heki tilts his head slightly while Mayah mentally fumes at the next remark. She probably is too weak to learn all the cool stuff...! "With training one improves both in skill and in... capacity, for lack of a better word. Right?" Heki muses aloud, glancing at his cousin. "So the more Mayah trains and learns, the greater her skill and power will become." He glances dark-eyed at the Cats, "Or am I missing something?"

Mayah shrugs slender shoulders. "To be honest, I've never had much time to play with energy and to learn what it can do. No other Wolf in our pack can use it, so it's considered a luxury... one that I can't have often." Heki nods, a silent voucher for his cousin's statement. Their pack had been rather... crude. "However," Mayah's light voice rings out again, "I had always thought that the texture of Cat and Wolf energy was different. We're both Shifters, sure, but I think there's enough difference that my pooling my strength with yours might have odd effects. It could mix well and strengthen this Circle thing, or it could be like blackwater on water and weaken it." She arches a thin brow and grins wolfishly, "Not that I'm unwilling to try it, just a thought that it might not be wise to do so without experimenting first."

Heki grins broadly. "I will not stay behind, though I'm not about to take insult at your saying so. Mayah and I can keep up with Eliqui in our Wolf forms. We both would like to see these... Rjin." Mayah suddenly laughs, patting her cousin's spear affectionately, "One of the few techniques I can do is 'electrifying' a blade. Poking one with a spear after I charged it is bound to do some damage, eh?" She chuckles, a slightly deranged sound but meant well. Heki rolls his eyes jestingly, removing his spear from his companion's reach. "Either way. Shall we go?" he sums up, raising a brow at Aduuni. Mayah ignores him and unsheathes her cutlass with one swift motion, grinning at her reflection on the highly polished blade's surface. Eyes narrow and she pumps as much energy as she can gather into the curved sword, stopping only when it glows a faint blue and she's slightly out of breath. "Love my blade," she murmurs under her breath and sheathes it again, the heat of energy warm against her back. "It'll stay charged for a day or two," she adds for the Cats' benefit. Heki nods mutely, semi-serious gaze still focused on the Jaguar.

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