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Date Posted: 18:26:13 07/03/03 Thu
Author: Aduuni, Hashe, Hora, Eliqui
Subject: Tricks? Let's see...
In reply to: Heki and Mayah 's message, "If she only had some tact, dee dee deedledee..." on 17:17:01 07/03/03 Thu

The albino, looking up from her fumbling hands in time to catch Heki's grin, stands up again, though not without difficulty. "Perhaps an energybean would help, but I don't know about half-ripe... Worth a shot, I guess. Thanks." She returns his grin, though mutedly, putting out a white-skinned, ring-encrusted hand for one.
Aduuni's eyes go dark upon hearing of the battle and she winces, then, also choosing her words carefully, she responds. "An insult to Cats, if he cannot lose honorably and retain his dignity. Myself, I have yet to lose a fair fight," she adds out of habit, then mentally chides herself for bragging. "But I know underhanded when I see it." Eliqui snorts with feline laughter. "What?"
Unless it replaces your swords without you noticing.
"That was not funny! Besides, I said a fair fight!" To the others, she explains, "Eliqui's teasing me about something that happened a while ago. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're willing to join up. And you," she says, turning to Mayah with a thoughtful look, "I might be able to teach you some things you don't know, although some of my 'tricks', no offense, may be beyond your power. I do not know yet. Hora does a killer Whirlwind, so if you're extremely fast and don't know already, she'll be better at telling you about it than I. I... well, I branched out, invented a few interesting things. A Net, for example, a little creation I was tinkering with. It's sort of like a shield, but it constricts, and traps energy. If you're really good at it, I'm working on a version that relays that energy to the wielder of the net for use, but it's still being fine tuned. Last time I experimented with it, it exploded and set fire to the branch I was sitting on. But regardless of your level of skill... anyone who can use energy can probably join our Circle, when we three pool our power together."
"It's fairly devastating already," Hora feels obligated to put in cheerily. "But more devastation is always welcome in times like these. I too, am glad you're joining up, both of you." Hashe manages a genuine smile, though it is against the more somber part of her nature.
"The battle's in the Market Square. I think it might be over by now, but we had to leave and get Hashe to safety. Do you want to go and take a look?" Aduuni asks the Wolves. "Eliqui can, despite her protests, carry all of us."
Can and will are two different things, my friend.
"You know you will, 'Qui. You wanted to help, right?"
"It might be safer if he stays behind," Hora adds, nodding at Heki, "and leaves this part of the battle to those with the appropriate skills. After all, chopping at one of those Rjin with an axe or poking it with a spear won't do anything but make it even angrier."

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