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Subject: Re: Embarrassment Can Be Very Powerful

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Date Posted: 20:54:09 12/26/24 Thu
In reply to: Helen 's message, "Embarrassment Can Be Very Powerful" on 11:18:24 12/26/24 Thu

Helen, I agree spankings can/should be very embarrassing as well as painful, hence bare bottom spankings.
I'm curious about you saying such embarrassment can be "measured and enforced." You mention faces turning red in shame (long before bottoms are red) and in my experience my face actually felt hot when I blushed while having my panties pulled down. And Mary mentioned hearing embarrassment in boy's voices before she spanks them.
Any other ways you "measure" embarrassment ?

And deliberate enforcement of shame can take many forms Aside from no-pants exposure, lectures can re-inforce a boy/girl's embarrassment with words making them feel childish naughty and emphasizing "bare bottom" etc.
I remember my ears turning red while scolded and sentenced to "be spanked until you cry like a baby" etc.
Other ways you expand embarrassment ?

Of course , the most powerful shaming to many is being spanked in front of an audience, especially in front of peers you think? Any experiences with this?
My sister-in-law, Anne, deliberately spanks her son/daughter in front of each other and any other relative, so I've witnessed my nephew/nieces' extreme embarrassment when bared and spanked in front of me and sometimes several others.

Especially in early teens both of them would blush bright red, shiver weep plead in palpable dread when facing a roomful of aunts/unlces/cousins staring and anticipating watching the kids stripped naked below the waist and spanked to bawling kicking.
Anne also had a few methods of making such spankings extra mortifying.

You have any ideas/experience in that regard?

>It certainly can make a difference but it doesn’t
>have to. One can make a spanking just as painful with
>underwear staying on especially if an implement is
>The way bare bottom spanking most “hurts” more is
>mentally, particularly for a modest child. People
>mostly specify how painful a spanking is but won’t
>discuss the embarrassment involved, or will keep it as
>a byproduct or afterthought. It is something that can
>be measured and deliberately enforced, and I would
>argue it’s the most important factor of a spanking
>for serious misbehavior. Think of how a child’s
>buttocks become more and more red from being spanked.
>The same way that can be a measure of pain, a
>child’s face will involuntarily blush red with
>embarrassment when sentenced to a punishment they will
>find, well, embarrassing. The most effective
>punishments will produce a blushing, beet red faced
>child before the first spank is even administered.
>The most effective spankings I have witnessed or
>enforced have been the ones where the child started
>crying not so much from physical pain, but from how
>shameful they found the experience from being
>undressed and having their naked lower halves exposed.
>This obviously is many times more embarrassing when
>the spanking is enforced in front of witnesses,
>particularly other children close to the same age.
>I have also found that after a certain age (10 is a
>general rule) tween kids tend to find the whole
>experience of having to submit to specifically an old
>fashioned over the knee bare bottom hand spanking to
>be mortifying. It’s seen as a punishment for little
>kids, and it is. The problem is that the ~10-13 year
>old age range often hold the belief they are no longer
>little kids, which ironically often leads to them
>acting “too big for their britches”.

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Re: Embarrassment Can Be Very PowerfulMegan22:12:37 12/26/24 Thu

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