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Subject: Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings

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Date Posted: 19:38:33 02/26/24 Mon
In reply to: Pastor John 's message, "Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings" on 11:55:44 02/26/24 Mon

Interesting to hear the Pastors' opinions on spankings. In my traditional family only dad spanked me and my sister but mom was almost always the one who sentenced us to "just wait until your father gets home....and takes his belt off."
But dad traveled for work days at a time so there were times mom would call our Pastor to come and spank us. I was scared of him - a big formal authority figure - and having him taking off my pants and underpants was very embarrassing.
Even worse for my sister, losing her panties.

Pastor spankings took a long time with prayers,/confession etc and he made bent us over a chair or table and made us count swats with a wooden spoon, usually a dozen. Bare buns burning, crying, we had to pray again then he took us over his lap for a wicked bad hand spanking until we bawled like babies.

I assume y'all have some experience giving spankings?

>Pastor Robertson and I are definitely on the same page
>and I couldn't say it any better than he did!
>Spankings for boys and girls, teens and young adults
>should definitely continue as long as needed,
>regardless of age. With the terrible state of our
>society today and all the dangers to body and soul,
>spankings should be encouraged and involve others as

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Subject Author Date
Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankingsJohnny08:35:26 02/28/24 Wed
Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankingsJohnny02:32:27 03/01/24 Fri

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