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Subject: Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings

Pastor Robertson
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Date Posted: 14:02:23 03/16/24 Sat
In reply to: Pastor John 's message, "Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankings" on 11:24:08 03/07/24 Thu

Lucy, I absolutely agree with my pastoral colleague Pastor John. One of the big benefits of having him totally nude for his spankings is that it robs him of any semblance of control over the event, and makes him feel even more vulnerable. And completely losing control leads to his feeling humbled.

Pastor Robertson email: pastorrobertson@proton.me

>Given his attitude, Lucy, I would recommend that he be
>completely undressed for his spankings. Since he
>resisted the last time, that indicates to me that he
>still needs a lot more humbling so that he is
>cooperative with your maternal discipline.
>>>It is good to be prepared in advance on how you plan
>>>to proceed as you did by having your sister's help.
>>>Feel free to contact me directly by email:
>>>pastorspanks@protonmail.com or on trillian as
>>>>>I hope that he has learned his lesson, too, but
>>>>>count on it! He may very well test you when the
>>>>>of this spanking fades and his disrespectful
>>>>>comes to the surface. Your sister sounds like a
>>>>>partner and support for you as you move in a good
>>>>>direction with your son. Having him on his bed with
>>>>>two pillows to raise his bottom is a very good
>>>>>for spanking because it raises the target and you
>>>>>pin his hands in the small of his back with one of
>>>>>your hands to keep him in position and use your
>>>>>hand with a paddle to spank him. I think that
>>>>>paddles are a good choice. They sting fiercely and
>>>>>can spank for an extended time without bruising.
>>>>>>Thank you very much for getting back. I hope he
>>>>>>learned his lesson. My sister said if he acts up
>>>>>>she recommends putting two pillows on his bed with
>>>>>>laying on top with his bare bottom raised and use
>>>>>>plastic paddle on him if need be. She said she
>>>>>>help also if needed to make sure he is soundly
>>>>Yes the bed spanking I think will make a big
>>>>difference in his bare bottom spanking and he can be
>>>>held better and restrained as I spank and my sister
>>>>assists. I think if need be we will try this new
>>>>position and administer a very sound spanking.
>>I spoke with my sister and told her I will use the bed
>>method if needed next time with the two pillows and my
>>son laying face down on his bed with his bare bottom
>>raised for his sound spankings for now on. And yes I
>>will use hand spankings still and than switch to the
>>plastic paddle and if he resists my sister will be
>>present to restrain him if need be. Should the
>>spankings be fully nude or just with his pants pulled

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Re: 12 year old boy resisting his bare bottom spankingsAnne116:31:42 03/27/24 Wed

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