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Subject: Re: Tips to help my daughter keep in position

Kristina to Samantha
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Date Posted: 07:43:37 05/28/24 Tue
In reply to: Samantha 's message, "Tips to help my daughter keep in position" on 12:03:02 03/16/24 Sat

Sam, you can pin her arm to her back gently if you need to, but I would highly recommend perhaps diaper position, will allow you to keep eye contact, and stop her squirming so much. Feel free to email me if youd like further support, of course can reply to this post too lol

>My name is Samantha, and I am very pleased to meet
>you. I am a mother to a 11 year old girl. Since her
>earliest days she has been brought up with spankings.
>Lately her behaviour has become unacceptable, and I
>have been looking for a solution to change that.
>My dear friend at church, an older lady in fact,
>advised me to use an implement on my daughter's
>bottom. She has told me that my hand spankings are
>simply not severe enough now that my daughter is older.
>I have done a lot of research, and I have decided to
>use the cane after hand spanking.
>Yesterday I have given it a try, but it is not working
>as well as I have thought it would.
>As usual I have taken off my daughter's clothes, and I
>hand spanked her for quite some time. I have
>instructed her to bend over the back of the chair, and
>rest her hands on the seat. I had thought that this
>position would be feasible, but I have not taken into
>account just how much the cane would have stung my
>She followed my instructions, but when I have given
>her a first stroke she instantly straightened up and
>covered her bottom with her hands. I had to put her
>back into position over, and over again after each
>stroke. With each stroke it was becoming harder to do
>so, because she did not want to be punished any longer.
>Half way through I decided that it was not working,
>and her punishment is on hold.
>Can you recommend me a better position to put my
>daughter in, or do you have any tips how to keep her
>in position?
>Thank you for consideration. I have to say that I am
>pleased with the cane otherwise. Finally I am getting
>a sincere reactions out of my daughter.

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