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Subject: Re: Family Update

Pastor Robertson
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Date Posted: 13:07:05 06/18/24 Tue
In reply to: Annette 's message, "Re: Family Update" on 15:09:34 06/01/24 Sat

Hello Annette,
In our Church community, I am aware of two families where supervised toilet visits for teen boys are practiced and I was privileged to be able to be part of one instance when I was paying a visit to one of the families. I found it fascinating and afterwards asked if I could be included again, and I have been on a number of occasions now.
So it’s a practice that can be very beneficial even for older teens.

Pastor Robertson email: pastorrobertson@proton.mail

>I also sometimes give my kids toddler time in which
>the toilet can still be used during the day, instead
>of full baby treatment in which case they cannot.
>When regressed to toddler level I do add some
>embarassement by supervising the toilet visits, and
>wiping them.
>Also once they are tucked in at night, they have to
>use their pull up.
>Don't allow them to get out of bed, and wander around.
>>LOL well found this brand called bamboo nature, their
>>pull ups have a size 7. Usually just at night unless
>>a dd punishment, but he is in them 24/7 right now and
>>for the whole summer.
>>When its DD because I use pullups he does take them
>>down for 2, but has to use them if he pees. He is
>>supposed to tell me if wet and ask for a change, but I
>>do regular diaper checks. Rectal temps, expected to
>>keep them on the whole time, without complaint. yes I
>>still change him even though they're pull up style.
>>I dont go beyond the diapers with pacis or other baby
>>stuff, just a diapered bottom.
>>>Daddy was fine with the boys staying bare when they
>>>were younger but now he wants them at least in
>>>Nick would be sooo mad if we did diapers all summer.
>>>LOL :)!! We recently bumped him up to a size 7, we
>>>Huggies and Luvs. I’m very lucky that he fits in
>>>them perfectly.
>>>We love to travel and have spanked them countless
>>>times in bathrooms, parks, car, hotels.
>>>If I remember correctly you have a 7 year old boy and
>>>9 year old girl. For the 7 YO boy, what brand and
>>>is he wearing? Is he in them 24/7? Do you have
>>>specific DD rules?

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