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Date Posted: Tue, May 02 2023, 20:03:08 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: HAVE WE FORGOTTEN KNIFE-13, and18 Killed Security Police?


In a few days, forty-eight years will have passed since 12 May 1975 when President Gerald Ford called upon the military to rescue crew and the captured US merchant ship, SS Mayaguez. You may remember, 75 Security Police volunteered to form up with the marine assault force gathering at U-Tapao Royal Navy Base for an assault on Koh Tang Island, Cambodia. You may remember, en route to U-Tapao, KNIFE-13 fell out of flying formation and crashed in dense jungle -- and eighteen Security Police of 56th 56th SPS, and five aircrewmen of the 21st SOS were killed in the resulting fireball and exploding ordnance.

The media has forgotten.

Government has forgotten.

But families, friends and veteran SPs who flew in the three returning CH-53C helicopters will never, ever, forget.

Mark your calander for 13 MAY 2023 -- it has been 48 years since we swore never to forget.

Don Poss

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