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Date Posted: Sun, Sep 17 2023, 10:30:20 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Trivia, VSPA website - Did You Know


I'm running an Optimize-Utility on my Desktop PC at the moment and thought I would do a VSPA.com Trivia post.

VSPA.com is a massive digital museum for Air/Security Police who served in the Vietnam War theatres of Vietnam and Thailand.

As of 17 SEP 2023, VSPA.com stats are:

Size of VSPA:
58.2GB (62,653,071,360 bytes), and
52,243 files in 1,252 Folders.

It takes 128GB RAM to edit VSPA.com, and I use every byte of it, while running several very large applications simultaneously to maintain VSPA.com.

Every VSPA filename has a “extension-name” identifying the type of file and app required to open or run it. Here are the “extension” names that come to mind. Some of you may be familiar with a few, like ".com" or "msg", and most others likely not, but those essential and used to keep VSPA running are:

api, .asp, .bamp, .bat, .bmp, .c.cdata, .ccs, .class, .com, .data, .datapro, .de, .dll, .dms, .docx, .en, .exe, .fb, .fb-0-1, .gif, .htm, .html, .jpg, .js, .mid, .mp3, .msg, .msi, .pdf, .php, .png, .rtg, .scc, ..svg, .swf, .swf, .tif, .tmp, .txt, .uf8, .vbs, .vbs, .viss, .wav, .wds, .webm, .wmf, .xml, .xmlb, .xmls, .zip, .(… and several I haven't listed).

We are fortunate to have my brother, Larry Poss, as an Associate member. Larry has hosted our website for over 25 years and owns the server (housed on Bluehost) that allows unlimited size and access to our files.

Best to all,

Don Poss

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