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Date Posted: Tue, Sep 19 2023, 19:52:07 PDT
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: unn-154-47-28-182.datapacket.com /
Subject: New Rosters Posted

Gents, if you didn’t receive the mass-email regarding posting of the Bew a roster, and how To info, here it is:

Gents, The new Rosters are Posted! Here’s what you need to know, and this is important:

I think you will like the added “Count” on every Roster giving totals for members selected. I’ve also included my email link at the top of the Rosters to easily report litle things, like, “I’m NOT DEAD YET.” Or simple things like a new email, phone, address, etcetera. There are new rosters for missing membership info, such as email, address, phone, birthdate, and Status of membership so you can see if you are current, and report missing data. This is important because missing data means you ARE NOT included on every Roster page you otherwise qualify for. For example, every roster draws qualifying members by checking “fields” on your data-row. For instance, if you served at Bien Hoa AB, and the data-field in your row of info is Blank or missing “BH,” you will not appear on the Bien Hoa AB Roster. Likewise, if you were at “NKP” with the “56th SPS” and one or both are missing, you will not appear on the NKP RTAFB base Roster, nor the 56th SPS Roster... and if you were K9, and “K9” is missing you won’t be on the “VSPA AF K9 SENTRY DOG HANDLERS” Roster— none of the listed 482 Dog Handlers (with Sentry Dog names and Tatoo numbers) will be able to contact you.

No Personal information is posted at VSPA. We never ask for a social security number. Should a contact want your email, we forward that request to your on-file email, or a text to your on-file phone number. The birthdate is important for VSPA research and new things to come (charts, graphs, status regarding Agent Orange), and when advocates call to help a widow with gaining deserved spouse benefits. This happened recently, whereas the SP’s DD-214 did not list his service in Vietnam. We identified him because the spouse knew his Sentry Dog’s name. Bill Cummings began searching and found the K-9’s Service Card with the deceased’s name and info. The SP’s DD-214 was updated and the spouse received retroactive benefits. So, When Family Calls, a DOB is essential. For daily research, you can save Paul and I a LOT of time by our not having to locate your DD-214 sent in when you joined VSPA, in order to find your birthdate.
The new Homepage dropdown menu links: I’m updating to the Bases & Squadrons links by adding features for each, such as History, Stories, Photos, and posts (gates, towers, LE). In the meantime, here is a one-page Menu Link for all VSPA Rosters: INDEX BASES AND SQUADRONS (also found at VSPA.com’s homepage under, Rosters). You will note a sincere appeal from Membership Chair Paul Shave and I for your help in updating long-time missing information from membership files. Also included in the above rosters-links for bases and squadrons are new rosters to help you see what is missing from your membership file. There are 17 new Rosters listng members with missing data. But first, check the NO MISSING DATA Roster which identifies the 106 VSPA members that are not missing any data. If listed, you don’t need to bother with the other MIA Rosters. Each new Roster deals only with one MIA of data at a time. For example: “NO FIRST NAME” – The Roster Title really says it all. A Full Name (Last, First Middle (preferred) or MI) determines sort order for those Rosters sorted by Name from A-Z.

VSPA hopes you like the new Rosters.

Don Poss,
Director Communications, and Webmaster Da Nang AB, 366th APS, K9 Blackie, 1965-1966

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