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Date Posted: Mon, Nov 13 2023, 9:43:24 PST
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: oak01-160.verbw.com /
Subject: Another Bogus "Routine Training" helicopter crash killing US Miltary?

Have you heard about the US Army helicopter crash that killed five U.S. military...in a "training mission mishap" over the weekend? Little or nothing else has been said about it sicne.

News reports said, "The Pentagon has identified the five Army aviation special operations forces killed when their helicopter crashed in the Eastern Mediterranean over the weekend."

Short version—I don't believe government's explanation.

This sounds all too familiar and follows the MO for our government (current and past) not being forthright and truthful with the American public, and veterans—especially as this occurred over Veterans Day weekend.

This is the same BS President Ford put out when an CH-53C helicopter, USAF Knife-13 crashed, killing 18 AF Security Police and 5 Aircrewmen, en route to the USMC forming stage and launching of the Operation Rescue of the SS Mayaguez cargo ship in 1975.

Since the 7 October 2023 attack on Israel, the U.S. has sent two carrier strike groups to operate in the Eastern Mediterranean area, and the Air Force has beefed-up its aircraft fighters and bombers. We know that our special forces are in the mix to help Israel rescue hostages in Gaza.

So, if something happened involving U.S. forces—Uncle Sam—tell us up front—we can take it. Don’t expect anyone to believe 5 Army Spec Op Soldiers (trained and razor-sharp) were killed on a training mission in a mishap (whatever that means). Army Spec Op Soldiers aren’t doing anything in a warzone labeled “routine.”

Don’t try to con or trivialize the deaths of these men with worn-out canned-statements such as:
“The soldiers were performing a routine training exercise when the incident happened, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. All soldiers were aboard a MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter conducting aerial refueling training.”

Have some respect for the fallen, their families, and veterans who know the score and record of government history on such matters.

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