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Date Posted: Thu, Nov 23 2023, 6:00:29 PST
Author: Gary Jones
Author Host/IP: cpe-172-75-51-153.carolina.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Another Bogus "Routine Training" helicopter crash killing US Miltary?
In reply to: Don Poss 's message, "Another Bogus "Routine Training" helicopter crash killing US Miltary?" on Mon, Nov 13 2023, 9:43:24 PST

I can see this as a "routine" training mission. Training for war/contingency operations is "routine" for today's military, especially Special Ops people.

I have flown of helicopters at sea (from an unnamed location, into Beirut. I had 9 Special Ops guys under my supervision for the mission. One of the first things you learn is the additional fuel needed for longer distances is on the left side of the bird. It creates a weight imbalance, which causes the bird to roll over, upside down, if it goes in the water. If an air refueling mission caused the mishap, those aboard have only seconds to get unbuckled and out of the chopper. That is hard to do when you are hanging upside down and your budy weight is against the buckle release.

If this crew was training for a mission in Gaza or elsewhere in the Middle East, it would be "routine." I certainly believe we have forces training for Middle East missions, on a daily basis. We may consider them something else but for them, it is routine. Semantics, semantics and more semantics.

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