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Date Posted: Mon, Nov 18 2024, 6:37:01 PST
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: syn-104-173-033-018.res.spectrum.com /
Subject: Jackie Kays ...

It has been just over four years since Jackie Kay's passing on Oct 13, 2020. I was privileged to have served with Jackie at Da Nang AB. A great sergeant. His poetry lives on, powerfully, touching all who read them.
I was on duty with my K-9, Blackie 129X, the stormy night Jackie rescued the crew of a crashed aircraft returning from a fire support mission for an outpost 20 or so miles S/W of Da Nang. I saw the burning aircraft explode, but did not know at the time it had broken into three pieces, after striking a marine bunker, and Jackie was running through the world's densest minefields-- not once, but several times.
Jackie once gave me a silver bullet on a chain and said as long as I kept it, I would never be poor. I should have told him it wasn't the silver bullet, but his friendship that enriched everyone he met.
Jackie had tried for decades to inquire about an award he was told was recommended. The Air Force turned a deaf ear to him.
VSPA went to bat for Jackie and made enough noise rattling the political chain, letter writing, phone calls, and personal contacts, that Jackie told VSPA in December of 2015, just pass the Fiftieth-Year anniversary of Jackie Kays Heroic, lifesaving, and military career-ending Actions, that his doorbell rang and a Congressional Representative presented him a letter from Congressman Sam Graves-- and the "Air Force Commendation Medal" and certificate:

"Air Force Commendation Medal
Has Been Awarded To
Staff Sergeant Jackie R. Kays"

Rest in Peace, Jackie. You are missed and remembered.

Don Poss
-- there's more following:

(1) Read Edwin Smith's (RIP) touching poem on the BB posted Oct 14, 2020, the day after Jackie Smith died:


(2) Read a book review of Jackie Kays' book, "To Die Alone" that tells the tale of the night that ended Jackies USAF career:


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