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Date Posted: Sun, Dec 01 2024, 20:05:39 PST
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Together—VSPA Brotherhood...

Together—VSPA Brotherhood...
Know that as Air Police and Security Police...
(c) 2024, Don Poss

Together we fought in fields, towers, bunkers, fighting holes, miles long perimeter lines, armored vehicles, patrols and helicopters; where enemies lie in waiting to clash swords of red and green lava tracers, and joust with lances of deadly arc-light; and vanish.

Together we parried Rockets, Mortars, and RPGs with streaking-tails of fire that ripped the sky, as metal rain struck aircraft, Earth, and men; while sizzling flares drifted gently to death’s burnt-ashes throughout the night.

Together we repelled the enemy—as they threw themselves by the hundreds with PAVN Artillery regiments, battalions, reinforced platoons, or a single sapper——upon our forces. We killed all who dared try breaking our lines to slay those we protected or destroy our Eagle’s Nest.

Together we paid the price, one-hundred-eleven dead, 500 who bled, and now wear the scars and bare the dreams of it all——and the dark memories we take to our graves of the war that followed us home.

Together we Marched to The Wall, 400 strong, banners waving, deuce and a half trucks trailing. Crowds cheering; some jeering received the salute. Tears and chilled-arms we shared, touching names on black granite whose faces we still see, with our brothers in arms and peace.

Together we built memorials to our fallen; their names and ever young faces will tell our stories for centuries.

Together we stood strong and forged our Legacy:
“No Air Base Guarded by USAF Air Police Squadrons, Security Police Squadrons, or Security Forces Squadrons, has ever been overran or conquered by an enemy!”

Together we hope you will join us and know the Brotherhood we had—still lives.

Welcome Home to VSPA.com

Don Poss
Dir. Comm. & Webmaster

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