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Date Posted: 23:21:17 03/11/02 Mon
Author: Diane
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Subject: No - kitty has gone now......
In reply to: Ellie. 's message, "Awwww Diane, Keep the kitty!" on 22:08:15 03/11/02 Mon

While we were out today someone tinkered with the lock on the shed (Andrews workshop in fact) door :( bad them!!! It was the people from down the road and I am not happy about kitty going back to them they are awful people, swear and yell at their dogs and allow them to breed and wander and I'd imagine that they are not much better to their felines but what was I to do? I was totally put on the spot (since I knew they already knew I had the cat) I had to hand it over. Apparently they thought I was in need of a cat (did they think I was trying to steal it!!!????) because they reappeared to tell me there was another litter next door to them and I could have one of them. I thought they said (don't ask how I thought this it was just a muddled conversation) that if no one wanted these kittens that they were going to be killed so I immediatly (mental sigh) said "bring them here" but then it became clear that wasn't (thank God) the case - they just thought I wanted a cat (I ***really*** NEED a cat, yeah right, LOL). My worry now is that I've fed kitty (ginger kit) several times and if they are not careful with it he may return and if the dogs find him first :( not a thing to think on. I have warned them to be extra careful but I just don't have faith in these people so I can only hope that they now show a little more responsibility and that kitty is both sensible and lucky. If it reappears and I get to it first I will take it straight to the SPCA or a cat rescue, that's about the best I can do. The poor thing was covered in fleas and was thoroughly enjoying the kitten food I bought for it - at least it went home with a full tum (I didn't get to deflea, that was next on the agenda along with worming).

I am not happy that these people jumped our back fence while we are out, I am even less happy that she checked out my dogs and commented at least twice that "They're nice". They have a certain type of dog - kind of tough looking, along the same family lines as Boxers, I will be taking extra precautions with regard to my dogs from here on in while they still live locally (and beyond). She gave me the creeps, no one gets to look at my dogs in that manner and the possibility of theft is right in the forefront of my mind right now.

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