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Date Posted: 20:15:53 03/15/02 Fri
Author: Diane
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Subject: Oh - THERE's the pasta!!!!!! *G*
In reply to: M.C. 's message, "Oooohhhh...." on 04:40:22 03/15/02 Fri

Yes! I've decided that I like pasta a lot of late, canelloni last night :) yum! But a vodka based sauce.... surely not? A little sherry perhaps, a little red wine for sure but vodka? Hmmmmmm, don't know. I'll tell you what I have become addicted to tho, that red curry paste that Lisa put us onto - it is seriously addictive! I made a different version with boneless chicken thighs and kumara (sweet potato for those not in the know ;) lasy monday night after training class. I thought about it in the car on the way home and I just couldn't get the taste off my mind. Healthy too (and good to chase away the bugs too. :) I've heard that curry (the heat of the chilli in it) is truly addictive and that many English people returning to England after having been in India (1800's I'm talking here) took their own Indian cook back with them to ensure that they would have Indian food to dine on. I'll bet it's true! It was Marlene who first sent me to the little Asian shop where I buy stuff like the curry paste (to search for a mortar and pestle - got a good one too!) and now I feel very at home in there. A lot of people don't - they have no idea what they are missing out on though, places like that are real treasure troves!!! I made sushi last week, Andrew liked it I didn't, all the stuff for it came from there at very little cost. :) I might make him some more tonight, he'd like that, anyone else for sushi? :)

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