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Date Posted: 19:47:44 03/19/02 Tue
Author: Diane
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Subject: LOL Tina - shorty! Hee, hee. I've put one here about Daniel that I've always giggled over..
In reply to: Tina Swinimer 's message, "Re: A funny Jessie story" on 02:37:39 03/19/02 Tue

That is really funny, I need to think if I can get the story about Daniel and the dog poo on here without it being too X rated, let's see...

Daniel and I were walking home from school one day and he was pretty young at the time, I said to him "careful Daniel don't step in the dog poo" and he replied quite straight fowardly "Okay Mum, I won't step in the dog sh**". Well that floored me cause the kid didn't (doesn't) swear as a rule so I of course said "No Daniel, we don't say sh**, we say poo" to which he immediatly replied "Okay... but it sure smells like sh** to me".

And really, what can you say when after all it's the truth! That was several years ago and I find that I still can't refute the basic good sense of the statement. ;)

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