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Date Posted: 12:35:37 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Margaret
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Subject: Yes I don't like cooking but
In reply to: Margaret 's message, "Does anyone know of how I can build up Bill's imunity" on 07:52:39 03/23/02 Sat

Up to when my hip was too painful to stand and cook I always used fresh vegetables and meat. Since my op I have had to carry on using ready meals because of the standing, but now I am getting much stronger and hopefully I can start using fresh again, it is much cheaper anyway.

I try and put everything into the pressure cooker, and that way you use the water as well but unfortunately we can't have that every day.

I have just spent 2 days looking up his medication. One of his tablets needs his liver supported with milk thistle, this we have never been told. Also, several other tablets take out vitamin C and E, magnesium, potassium and selinium.

This has been building for a very long time and I don't think that the doctors know much about the tablets. One says that if they get a rash, to stop taking them and contact a doctor immediately, the rash can kill.

I know he is on borrowed time, and that the tablets would kill him before what is wrong with him, but the ignorance over tablets is incredible.

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