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Date Posted: 17:35:37 04/03/02 Wed
Author: Tina Swinimer
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Subject: Spring!

Our Robins and blue jays and mourning doves and all the little birds are back-what a pleasure to go outside early in the morning and hear all the songs.There are signs of grass about to grow and leaves to bud out.It is still way too early to plant but I am going to transplant some perrienials that are too bunched up.
Oohh how I love the outdoors!My waterfall from the big upper pond to the lower pond sounds so nice now in full flow.The little peepers "frogs" are starting their night song..oh so beautiful.All the ice is finally out of the ponds.I even love the hungry crows that come for their breakfast.All the wild ducks are pairing up-soon I will have baby ducklings following their parents for food-they come right to my back patio for cracked corn.
forgive me but I am elated with thoughts and signs of spring!
Hope everyone is having a great time at whatever they are doing.Love to all..and I might add I have lost enough weight that I won't look like a beached whale while swimming! I owe thanks to you folks for the great salad recepies and to all my exercise and swimming.Catch you all later..Tina

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