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Date Posted: 16:45:45 04/13/02 Sat
Author: Tina Swinimer
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Subject: Re: Update on Bill
In reply to: Margaret 's message, "Update on Bill" on 12:47:03 04/09/02 Tue

This has also happened to Ralston..while in the hospital..
and he was released from the hospital still on 2 drugs for the same thing.When we got home and went over his pill list I phoned the doctor and he said the "specialist"must have missed reading about the one drug so perscribed the second..I might add he is on 10 to 12 different drugs daily to a total of 26 pills a day.They could only do 3 by-passes and 5 were needed but the heart endings were too far gone to attach any arteries.So he is on the patch-blood thinners-pulse regulators etc.Easy to make a mistake.We fill a weekly pill case that has a daily cap on each section so its easy to check if he forgot a pill.This is about 8 years of all the drugs but he was on blood thinners 18 years-his operations were about 7 years ago.Now it is arthritis pills included in the list.He refuses herbal drugs and refuses to exercise-he is his own worst enemy and no amount of talking to anyone will change this stubbron soul.

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