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Date Posted: 03:46:36 05/29/02 Wed
Author: Diane
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Subject: Kat you are a legend!

Thanks so much for all the useful info and links. :) You too Ellie, excellent idea (now I just need some tips on how to keep the dogs from thinking Aunt Ellie came up with that just for them ;)

We've had no end of thunder and lightening here over the last week which has caused me to use the computer with a great degee of caution (nothing like trying to toast the software!) It's been awesome but I'm more than ready for the fine break we are supposed to be headed for (with it comes the cold is the downside). How are things in Aus? Same stuff with you Ellie? Meanwhile I've visited a Boxer pup, picked up a pittie (he's not residing here though) and am babysitting Sam tonight as my sis is staying at the childrens hospital with her son who had to go in suddenly. Tommorow I will drop him off and collect a nine year old Boxer boy who has a strange story attached. I will let you know how I go with Ben, fingers crossed that a good home can be found for this guy!!!!!

That's me for now, hope everyone and their furbabies are well. :)

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