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Subject: Re: **the lone wolf...*

Riasa Lafaryl
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Date Posted: 00:31:28 01/18/03 Sat
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "**the lone wolf...*" on 09:52:22 01/16/03 Thu

**She stands, captivated by the wolf's words. Revealing his story had caught her somewhat unawares. When she thought about it, it was curious. She had never really said much to anybeast about her tribe, their secrets were not to be bandied about lightly and so she usually refrained from providing details of her past. Though if specifically asked, she never lied unless the situation required her to, she was proud of what she was.

Her paw moves to touch a barely perceptible lump under her tunic. It was a pendant of a squirrel silhoutted against a white gold moon. Though the only part that was visible was the leather thong around her neck.

Wordlessly she listens to Klik's recount of his past as he places a paw on her shoulder she shakes her head slightly.**

It takes a wise beast to realise that above all, family is precious. Ones kin is not something to be destroyed by petty quarrels, after all there is much they can teach you.

**She shrugs her shoulders and then moves over to tend to the fire.**

Some breakfast sounds good to me. If neither of you know of any supply tents then I guess they must have been lost or taken by others on their journies. No matter, we'll manage.

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*Listening intently to Kilks past.*Jask Shell14:43:04 01/18/03 Sat

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