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Date Posted: 14:12:05 09/10/01 Mon
Author: KM - washing her hands then using kandes tshirt to dry them
Subject: Kande attempts to stand but finds it difficult witht he nuclear weapon strapped to her arm and the suction cups on her knees.
In reply to: kande 's message, "With Max from Dark Angel like stealth, Kande spies on her sister." on 03:24:20 09/10/01 Mon

"If your still planning on making a speech you had better stock up the pop-tarts. The plate is empty". kenamom looks expectantly at kande.

"I tried to make my speech but that stupid sister of mine is up to no good"

"And whats different about this time, you two are Noromo's, your suppost to be up to no good. It makes us Shippers look even better than we really are." kenamom checks her makeup in the mirror and smiles as she realizes, as always, its perfect.

"Not that kind of trouble, and Noromo's rule Mayor. Seriously, she wants to take over my klub, she wants everything thats mine, she WANTS IT ALL!!" kande emphasises the last bit by stamping her fist into her palm. Then flinching in pain as she forgot that her arm has been broken and is in a splint.

"Now thats is enough!" the MOM in kenamom comes out, "if you two can't behave like decent girls then I will have to seperate you. Now play nice and SHARE."

"hmp" kande ignores kenamom's wise motherly advise and jerks the door open and then storms out of the washroom. She screams as the door jerks back and wacks her in the arm, jolting the nuclear weapon/splint. The weapon then starts a low hum and begins to warm up. kande likes the feel and snuggles it close to her chest as she heads to the town square.

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