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Date Posted: 11:40:35 11/13/01 Tue
Author: Blue
Subject: Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory
In reply to: KhaliG 's message, "Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory" on 22:51:47 11/12/01 Mon

>I was jumping up and down in my dorm-romm yelling,
>"yes! yes! This is the darla I want!" I don't want
>her to be evil, forever and ever amen, but I just want
>her to have some humanity in her.

Yeah! LOL! I don't think she'll be able to stay away from her child for too long.

>>Thank you! I've been screaming inside of myself ever
>>since the promo aired! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DARLAAAAAA!
>Khali hands Blue a glass of cold water and a towel.

Thank you!

>Oh, you're explaining youself just fine. I too got a
>sense of comadarie and the feeling that these two knew
>each other very well. I loved the scene where Angel
>tells Darla: "I thought you liked pain?" and darla
>says, "Not this kind of pain!" It was just funny that
>those two fell into an age-old rhythm without even
>realizing this. Now, this is the type of D/A
>interaction I want. It's not self-concious, just is.

Exactly. It just feels very comforting. :)

>Somehow, I don't think the relationship is broken
>completely just yet. They don't have a dead-horse feel
>that I associate with B/A or a gentle feel that is
>Angel/Fred or the deep friendship that could be
>something more with Angel/Cordy. D/A have *something*,
>it's just very hard for me to define right now.

Yeah, you can just literally see and feel it.

>>Really? Tell me more or is this just about the
>>"superhero" stuff?
>Well, I think it has to do with the way A/C was
>promoted with "Offspring". It felt as though Cordy is
>being pushed into this super-hero role before she is
>even ready to deal with it. I guess I just really
>didn't like the way the A/C -ship was banged over my
>head with Fred telling Angel about a "kye-ruption". It
>feels that I should be expecting romance just around
>the corner and I should be adoring it. I guess I hate
>being told what relationships or couples that are in
>the offing before that couple even makes with the
>romance. B/S was a surprise, every moment this season
>has been a slow unpeeling of the B/S flower and it is
>a sight to behold.

I see what you are saying. I've read some comments from others saying that if the writers are introducing C/A , they aren't doing a good job of getting them interested.

Cordy/Angel have been rumored
>since the summer and I guess everyone's been
>conditioned to look out for signs of it, therefore we
>get the surge in C/A support across the fans.

Hm, this I haven't seen and I'm referring to the latter part of your sentence. From what I've seen C/A fans are not the majority. Now, they are VERY vocal but there aren't that many of them. There are more against the relationship then for. I think it's also pretty telling that the emphasis on C/A has not increased ratings at all. In fact the numbers were slipping until sweeps.

>It feels as though everybody should be adoring Cordy,
>since she seems to do no wrong and she is just
>absolutely perfect since she can a) hold a crossbow,
>b) punch a vampire and cause them pain and c) knows
>how to handle a sword perfectly.

If they made Cordelia into an actual person with faults then I might start liking her again. Nah, I doubt it. :) Too late.

>I just want to see some faults, some mistakes that
>Cordy can make and make her feel human again. I love
>the visions, but I want her to learn how to control
>them. I want Cordy to start getting involved again in
>human life, while still trying to devote time to the
>Angel Investigations group.


>You know, I don't *hate* Cordy, I love her as a
>character, but it pains me to feel this much
>resentment and I'm trying to figure out why.

I think you've already answered your own question. :)

> That punch in the face was weird.
>I guess it was Cordy's way of telling Darla that she
>still doesn't forgive her for biting her in offspring.
>I would have preferred Cordy telling Darla off with
>the force of words like she did with Lilah in "Billy".

But who left her brain at the door in that situation? IMHO, the only one to blame was Cordelia and the fact that her friends forgot Darla's a *vampire.*

>>>Rest those fears, Khali!
>That's hard to do when everybody and their brother is
>all over C/A and I used to be such a big supporter of
>that 'ship. It pains me to realize that I'm not
>backing it whole-heartedly as I do with B/S.

Seriously, C/A is not a majority. I've been around to ever board there is and the majority is against a romantic relationship. No worries there.

>~Khali, who wishes she didn't feel this much confusion.

It's okay. Just stay safe in the D/A bunker. :)



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