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Date Posted: 14:03:25 11/13/01 Tue
Author: KhaliG
Subject: Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory
In reply to: Blue 's message, "Re: What happens to Darla in "Lullaby?" + another theory" on 11:40:35 11/13/01 Tue

>>Khali hands Blue a glass of cold water and a towel.
>Thank you!

You're welcome.
>I see what you are saying. I've read some comments
>from others saying that if the writers are introducing
>C/A , they aren't doing a good job of getting them

I've read some of those comments, too, and mainly from the ASS board. Quite Frankly, I was kind of glad that there are posters there who state their reasons for disliking the way the C/A ship is being presented so far without disparaging the possibility of the C/A-ship itself.
>Hm, this I haven't seen and I'm referring to the
>latter part of your sentence. From what I've seen C/A
>fans are not the majority. Now, they are VERY vocal
>but there aren't that many of them.

Really? Man, I guess they are pretty loud and vocal, since it just feels to me that there is a huge tide towards C/A as a couple. I've been viewing the ASS board from time to time, and the NG, and BAPS and it just feels that everyone is grinning and smiling over C/A smoochies and I guess it's just frustrating me.

There are more
>against the relationship then for. I think it's also
>pretty telling that the emphasis on C/A has not
>increased ratings at all. In fact the numbers were
>slipping until sweeps.

Is this really and truly confirmed that C/A isn't helping in the ratings? Maybe it's because it's divorced from the main arc of the season so far, which is the Darla/baby storyline.
>I think you've already answered your own question. :)

Well, I guess I did since airing out these issues make me feel a lot better about the season and C/A.
>But who left her brain at the door in that situation?
>IMHO, the only one to blame was Cordelia and the fact
>that her friends forgot Darla's a *vampire.*

Well, they certainly haven't forgotten in Quickening. I guess the purpise of "Offspring" was to introduce Darla as a vampire to the audience and what she is/can be capable of and develop her storyline from there.
>It's okay. Just stay safe in the D/A bunker. :)

Ahh, I'm in the D/A Bunker re-watching the scene where Darla is crying in the car. It's just so beautful. TM better not kill her or the baby off next week. That's just too much.

By the way, notice how there are still posters who are questioning the paternity of the baby and are sold on the idea of it being evil? I'm not letting it bother me, but really! Denial ain't just a river in Egypt ans it is confirming my suspicions that these type of posters would love a baby storyline if the mother were Cordy or Buffy. I'm betting that these people would not be calling for it to be evil or the mother to die a speedy death.


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