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Date Posted: 15:57:17 06/06/02 Thu
Author: Doug
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit
In reply to: Jay Dee 's message, "Re: The Holy Spirit" on 11:45:10 06/06/02 Thu

Hi Jay Dee,

Thanks for your questions and for the fine discussion. I am enjoying it even though we see it differently.

I must say, I believed what you now believe and had believed it all my life (until about 12 years ago), and certainly taught it as well. So, I too was a "personal indweller" :-) - that according to Acts 2, we all literally receive the Holy Spirit upon our baptism, and that He lives within me, literally, bodily, personally, non-miraculously, and is a "down payment" or a "gaurantee," and this declares that I am indeed a son of God. As they say, "Been there done that!" :-)

Of course, I also believed, like most of the mainstream brethren did, that the Holy Spirit does not operate miraculously as He did in the first century. Of course, I still maintain this and teach it, without apology! I believe that to declare miraculous activity today, as some are now doing in our brotherhood, is completely false, and I would not extend fellowship with them - but that is another topic for another time as I digress :-).

We both agree, I think, that in order to interprete Acts 2, we must also include Joel 2, because it is the background of Peter's Pentecost sermon, right?

Now, so we are all on the same page together, I will stop here and wait for your response. Also, upon responding, could please briefly explain the necessity of including both Joel 2 and Acts 2 in understanding this passage? And, Jay Dee, could you please begin a new thread in doing so? Perhaps you could title it "Acts 2." It might make things easier for all of us. Let me know your thoughts and thanks again for your Christ-like spirit in this discussion.


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