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Date Posted: 21:34:26 04/29/02 Mon
Author: mod
Subject: PTA
In reply to: John R. Beatty PTA President & Vice President 's message, "Re: E-Script Monies" on 18:28:21 04/29/02 Mon

This is exactly why this forum was created: To get answers and bring up topics of discussion. Thank you for addressing some of the issues that concern parents at our school. Even if this message board is "tainted with negativity," we will persevere in finding out the answers through any venue. Look at all we've learned today from the PTA. PTAs at all schools do many good things, and certainly some of the items you've listed are worthy and charitable causes.

We all have a common bond: Our children. Everyone here is committed to providing our children with the best opportunities and environment. If things are not consistent or not communicated at our school, we are going to find out why and share it with other parents.

Please do not assume we are not PTA members. Funny thing is, we have paid our dues every single year and are getting used to not being invited to vote on issues. You say it's not realistic to ask the entire membership to vote on every issue? How can other schools around the county do it then? All the schools we've called for the sake of research have at least one general PTA meeting a month. They are at night and parents can bring their children. If you attend, you get to vote. It makes sense, because we, the PTA members and parent population, are your fundraisers. Do not assume we are not involved in the PTA or the classrooms. We are your volunteers. We help out at Take Dad to School Day, book fairs, Field Days and various other school functions. Just because we are not Board Members does not mean we shouldn't have a vote on the issues, especially how to allocate the PTA funds we've raised. The amount of the purchase should have no bearing on whether the body of the PTA is asked to vote or not. If there was a general meeting this year at all, not including Open House Night, an apology is in order from this side. Has there been a general meeting at all, and what will it take to institute a general meeting every month that everyone is invited to?

On to the issues... A few questions come to mind after reading your post:
*Who approved of the PTA paying for the Librarian's Author Visit?
*What grades are using the Leveled Reading Rigby Books?
*Are we setting a precedent for feeding volunteers pizza at every volunteer function?
*Maybe someone should contact Escrip about receiving the funds later than the norm? On their website, they cite that their turnaround time is 60 days. Also, if we're going to fully utilize this fundraising technique (which, by the way, is certainly a very powerful engine), there are also free flyers and marketing that haven't been used to promote this program. Schools with much smaller populations than ours are making more money than us. You can find the link here. Scroll down to the chart under "How much can my group receive?"
*How much money have we received from Escrip to date? Is there any way to let PTA members (or all Beatty Escrip members) privy to the Escrip online account by letting us know the password?

The PTA can ask its membership for the type of help that is needed. The issue of not having a Newsletter Coordinator has never been brought up anywhere within the general population, or has it? Bounce that ball into our court, sure we'll do it. Just let us know the details and what you'd like included. All you have to do is ask. You may be pleasantly surprised at the response you might receive from posting in this venue, if you need other parent volunteers.

Once again, this forum is bringing information to light and we're trying to create a place where anyone can pose a question or concern and get it answered. We feel we certainly are providing that service, and we hope those who read this board feel the same way.

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