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Date Posted: 22:18:50 06/03/04 Thu
Author: jaws
Subject: unsafe waters
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//fire. hybrid\\" on 19:25:05 06/03/04 Thu

so he was caught in the act, not like it was a common occurance or anything. life would go on.

grin never left the masculine ones features as he became even more greatly amused at the smaller ones antics. after all, was it not she who approached him first and offered residence within her lands, and was it not her who intriuged his interest enough for his to pursue his lastest infatuation. if im not mistaken it was. and so his arrogance seemed to inflate to unbelieveable porportions, his stance becoming a bit more relaxed as he was more than sure if need be he could take care of himself, even in the cocky mares presence and whom ever she decided to call apon if need be.

taking one coragous stride forwards he came closer to the female, his warm breath blowing on her features as he listened to her vocals which were more than obviously drenched in sarcasim. two can play that game. allowing his velveteen lips to part his deep vocals slide out in a most dramatic manner, his own retort doused with a hint of returning sarcasim and showing his pompous nature.

im sure you are.

the thought crossed his mind to step closer, perhaps to intimidate the chocolate one, maybe sending her running to her protector as it was more than obvious she was searching for some form of help. was wee lassy scared? dull ivories crissed crossed in boredom, a faint grinding noise made within his skull as he pondered the wording of his next vocalization.

waiting for someone to come to the rescue, doll? no need to worry just yet, i have no intentions you dont have yourself. remeber, you passed out the invitation, i just responded.

it was a shame he had to lie to her but its not like she would ever find out. what happens, happens and what doesnt, well thats too bad. his words dripped from his mouth with just the beggining of attempts to woe the femmora, attempts he would keep subtle for now since he had the feeling she would try and spring something, or someone on him when least expected.

his mahogan optics wandered through the foliage, watching for intruders or just a passerby, its was a quiant place they had stopped their goose chase, a small clearing in a maze of trees. it looked like the perfect place too.. graze. hah. he isnt that bad of a lad, just a little sneaky. the dimensions of his personality were rarely deciphered and he liked for it to stay that way, keeps them on their toes if they dont know whats coming next. chisled head dropped slowly, his eyes now level with hers as they narrowed slightly. shaking his head sideways as he let a harsh snort out he mocked her quick temper.

no harsh feelings, its all in jest babe.

[ x take a plunge x ]

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