Date Posted:19:25:05 06/03/04 Thu Author: Firelight Subject: //fire. hybrid\\ In reply to:
's message, "unsafe waters" on 23:39:37 06/02/04 Wed
Ah, but how wrong he was. Lobes harshly twisted back at the sound of the twig echoing across the grounds. Chiseled tiara twitched to observe the stag as he appeared from the foliage. Charcoal nasal scrunched in displeasure at tunes emitted from his mug, and the sound of his vocals unwelcome. "Wonderful, I'm overjoyed.. really." Sarcasm dripped from her words 'pon the air as they forced themselves from her trachea. Dark stockings slammed to a halt tossing her proud crania in an irritable manner. Ooids searched around, where was dark.shadow even Het Vuur's appearance would be greatly appreciated at the moment. Oh well, she had always been able to care for herself before. Fores planted to the turf as she glared at the stallion in a challenging manner daring him to try something again.