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Subject: ...and whiskers on kittens...

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Date Posted: 07:43:45 07/18/03 Fri
In reply to: Lil' Mist 's message, "*Don't Let Size Be the Judge of What Lies Within*" on 18:57:23 07/12/03 Sat

((ooc: hey guys! *hugs* I was around for a whole week and was ignored, but I suppose the day I left you all came back! I got on at my relatives' house, but I won't be around again until Wednesday I think. Feel free to contact me too! Also, I remember trying your address, Domino, a while ago and it didn't send, but when I find time I'll try to get in touch again:))

(skippin' html)

~the pale blue sky seemed as if it were no longer heaving up chunks of water to spew towards the ground, moistening all in its path as well. the trees' branches hung down, burdened with the heavy weight of the droplets resting comfortably in their leaves. some critters seemed to be stirring from out of their shelters, emitting high-pitched squeaks or twitters or trills to announce their status in the world at this point.

the buckskin craned his neck gracefully around as to better view the strangely familiar beats of what appeared to be two familiar mares streaking towards him. as the nearer one drew closer, the features distinguished her as Lil' Mist, his old time buddy who'd been his playmate as a foal. then, hot on her heels, drew forth the little filly (i'm assuming) he'd hung out with for quite a while during his "finding myself" period in life, or a mid-life crisis held during the first beginning part of adulthood. the black-tipped lobes tipped towards them both, grasping sounds of his name and other such tidbits. could it really be that they recognized him? how fantastically stupendous!

first he exchanged scents with the two, to prove that it truly was who he thought. exhaling softly, he seemed quite content with the at-long-last greetings.

he had not spoken in a year it seemed. out on his own as somewhat of a bachelor had no requirements of talking. only survival was in play, not communication. therefore he feared the first words that would erupt from his vocals. what if he had reverted back to "baby talk" due to the long absence of speech? the thought was toxic, but it was inevitable that words would come out...~

Lo-ung timuh no seee. (Long time no see)

(will reply around wednesday or so. toodles! *waves*)

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~*~Forever Young~*~Belle19:47:37 07/18/03 Fri

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