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Subject: ~*~Forever Young~*~

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Date Posted: 19:47:37 07/18/03 Fri
In reply to: C 's message, "...and whiskers on kittens..." on 07:43:45 07/18/03 Fri

ooc: *smothers the poor girl in hugs* we missed you!!!

Taken aback by his 'baby talk', the filly cocked her dished head, her creamy mane spilling over her bright eyes. ~*~Right...~*~ she replied slowly, not sure if he was serious or just being....well, C. Baby talk or not, she had missed the buckskin something fierce. Laughing in elation, she allowed herself to briefly nuzzle his cheek before letting the poor guy breathe. Her heart tripped happily within her, content to be near him once again. ~*~I missed you dearly~*~ she murmured sincerely, her words almost inaudible. Indeed she had. For a long time after his departure she had felt as if her heart had left with him leaving her despondent and heartbroken. Now, for a time at least, he had returned. She balked against the naive notion that he had returned for her, instead settling for the more realistic assumption that he had come back seeking his friends.

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...expect the unexpected sometimes...C15:02:13 07/19/03 Sat

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