Subject: .:|:.C.h.a.l.l.e.n.g.e.s.:|:. |
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Date Posted: 22:20:27 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to:
's message, ".q u i t e a s u b j e c t." on 21:56:05 07/25/03 Fri
listened carefully, her own fragments of amber glinting with the sudden realization of having an in depth talk of her thoughts, and listening to those of his. it was not wise to tango with the king, but in this moment, with their speech, to her he was another wolf who was voicing his thoughts. the only leaders that would use their power to smite one for rising against them were cowards, and she knew he was not a coward. a challenge on hand indeed, though who would win and who would lose. were their rules or mere boundries? then again, was it actually a game that contained a list of guidlines and attainted a victor? once more only time would unveal the truth.
i was not aware i was butting heads with your knowlege sire, merely voicing my opinions as you did yours. if indeed we are to match wits, tell me how it is that life can hold no meaning, yet those who live all have a purpose? a purpose we have indeed, to survive and thrive. but what is out ultimate goal? if we all are to perish, we will all be forgotten, for none will go on to rememebr the legacy left behind. names are forgotten and images are erased. go ahead and take control of the wolf lands, take control of all of Cascade Mountains for that matter, but what reason have you for doing so? what, having your name engraved in stone to forever be feared when announced? stones erode, as does reputation. if i am off key feel free to redirect me, it is the utmost importance that we understand eachother's...knowlege.
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